Category Archives: The Invitation

Praying for Refugees – Updated

Join YWAMers around the globe in praying and hearing from God. He is inviting you!

Caring for Children in the Middle East
Photo credit: YWAM Refugee Circle

It has been almost three years since the “refugee crisis” was brought to the attention of the world. Hundreds of thousands, maybe millions, came like a flood from the Middle East and North Africa to Europe, fleeing war, drought, terrorism and pain. Many Christians responded compassionately, with thousands of people volunteering across Europe to serve the refugees that had left everything behind. Many YWAM workers got involved through serving on the shores of Europe, along the migration route and in destination nations like Germany and Sweden. On the island of Lesvos alone, more than 1,000 YWAMers served in the camp with a combined effort of approximately 20,000 days of work!

While the number of volunteers has decreased, displaced people are still coming and volunteers are still needed to meet practical needs and build relationships with the people in the camps. In most locations, however, refugees no longer live in camps and host nations are faced with the challenge of integrating thousands into their society. Additionally, the media attention has decreased but this does not mean that there are no more refugees or that less people are fleeing. Syria is in its eighth year of conflict. Iraq is struggling for clarity and unity. Afghanistan is still unstable. Meanwhile, refugee camps in Jordan, Turkey, Greece and other nations keep receiving new arrivals. The numbers are not insignificant and there are countless stories to be told.

While the attention has shifted away from this situation, it is wonderful to know that our God never forgets His creation and His promises. In the midst of this turmoil there are countless stories about how He is reaching out to His lost children:

  • In Northern Iraq entire families of displaced people became followers of Jesus Christ, as they encountered His all sufficient grace in the midst of loss.
  • In Germany, Muslims asked for Bibles in search of the Truth.
  • In Sweden the displaced gather in Bible study groups.
  • Across Europe, thousands are being baptized.

God is meeting these people in dreams and visions, through the love and compassion of Christians and through His Word. And He is inviting us to partner with Him in this opportunity to reach men, women and children from “closed nations” with the gospel! Let us not miss out on seeing His Kingdom come and His will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

 “For the Lord your God is God of gods and Lord of lords, the great God, mighty and awesome, who shows no partiality and accepts no bribes. He defends the cause of the fatherless and the widow, and loves the foreigner residing among you, giving them food and clothing. And you are to love those who are foreigners, for you yourselves were foreigners in Egypt.”

Deuteronomy 10:17 – 19

Please join with YWAM’s global prayer day, called The Invitation, during the month of May to pray with us. You are particularly invited to pray during our prayer day, May 10. If you only have a few moments to pray, position yourself in hopeful anticipation and pray that refugees will come to know the heart of God.

Additionally, we invite you to join in the 30 Days of Prayer for the Muslim World May 15 – June 14. Download a prayer guide from this website:, tell your friends and help your church, your small group and your family participate in this movement.

Refugee Camp in Malawi
Photo credit: YWAM Potch, South Africa

Prepare to Pray:

Consider taking into the prayer time a bag with a few roughly packed items, a sleeping bag, or perhaps a blanket.

Read aloud from Ezekiel 12,4-6: “During the daytime, while they watch, bring out your belongings packed for exile. Then in the evening, while they are watching, go out like those who go into exile. While they watch, dig through the wall and take your belongings out through it. Put them on your shoulder as they are watching and carry them out at dusk. Cover your face so that you cannot see the land, for I have made you a sign.”

Allow yourself or your group some time to engage your imagination in the plight of the refugee. Place yourself, in your imagination, along the different stages of a refugee’s journey.

After months of trying everything in order to remain in your city, in your home -months of battling every day to ensure safety and provision for your family – you finally decide to risk everything to journey to a foreign land. You pack only what you can carry, leaving several family members behind, not knowing whether you will ever see them again. You give all you have to pay for a dangerous transit, encountering on the way more horrors than you ever imagined. You arrive at your initial destination, carrying grief and pain in your heart, trying to come to terms with squalid housing, limited opportunities and queuing for every necessity. More than this, you feel your displacement keenly, wondering where you belong and what your identity is in the midst of the chaos of the refugee camp. All this brings a longing to your heart, causes you to question the meaning and purpose of your life and whether anything you’ve believed is strong enough to provide an anchor for your sorrowing heart. You hardly dare believe there is anything worth hoping for in this place of disappointment and hardship.

As you seek to identify with this experience, what feelings do you become aware of? How would you describe your needs, physical, emotional and spiritual? What longings are in your heart? Now ask yourself how Father God might feel towards such a person? How might He desire to show His loving kindness and mercy to them?

Hold these feelings, thoughts and imaginations in your heart and mind as you go into prayer, allowing them to become part of your intercession.

Refugees Coming Ashore
Photo credit: YWAM Southlands, Melbourne, Australia

Pray for refugees:

  • Pray for the gospel to go forth among refugees and for their lives to be restored spiritually, physically and emotionally.
  • Pray for discipleship among refugees and displaced people.
  • Pray for peace in the Middle East. Pray for sources of conflict to dissolve and safety and wholeness to be restored so families can live and thrive in their homes. In particular, pray for stability in Syria and for the plight of the displaced people in that country. Pray for peace to come so rebuilding can occur.
  • Pray for peace in the refugee camps. Refugees live in constant uncertainty, never knowing how long they will be in one place and where they will go next. On the island of Lesvos, for example, some people have been detained for 1.5 years, without knowing if they will ever be allowed access to mainland Europe. The Zaatari camp in Jordan houses 80,000 people. Northern Iraq has around 24 camps of refugees and internally displaced people. Without jobs and good future prospects, residents of these camps, especially young people, get easily bored and frustrated.
Zaatari Refugee Camp
Photo credit: Mirror Online news source
  • The majority of refugees do not live in camps. Pray for their safety and livelihood, so they are able to build a life for their families in whichever location they are living.
  • Pray for the long-term workers in the Middle East and in Europe who continually pour out to serve refugees. Pray for perseverance, hope, courage and joy.
  • Pray for more workers to come. Pray they won’t be held back by fear, finances or doubt and come in humility with great vision and love for the people they serve.
  • Pray for longevity and commitment beyond the “refugee crisis.” The ultimate goal is not to see people settled in safety, the goal is to see people and nations transformed and discipled! Many YWAM leaders believe it is time to transition from “relief and short-term” efforts to “development/long-term investment/transformation” efforts for ministering to refugees. Pray for effective transition.
  • Pray for local citizens to show hospitality to the foreigners in their cities (Hebrews 13:2).
  • Pray for God to firmly plant the lost people and that he would give them a heart to know him (Jeremiah 24:6-7).
  • Pray for courage and guidance for YWAMers who attended the Refugee Circle Gathering last month in Athens. Pray that all would obey God’s calling and direction.
  • Praise God for the doors that he has opened in areas that in the past have been closed to the gospel!
  • Praise God for the 1,000+ YWAM volunteers who have worked in the camp in Lesvos, Greece. Pray for continued release of committed volunteers in Lesvos, as well as for provision of clothes, diapers and other resources.
  • Pray for YWAM locations in Germany, for solid relationships with refugees and migrants, for wisdom regarding political conflict and for churches and other groups to effectively disciple.
  • Pray for stability in Northern Iraq and for workers to respond to the call to go to this area.
  • Pray for the Lord to provide funds needed to do His work for refugees.
Photo credit: YWAM International Refugee Response Circle

Take Action:

  • Keep praying for the refugees in your nation and worldwide. Hope against hope (Romans 8:18-21).
  • Volunteer. Come and spend three weeks or more serving refugees in camps or their new homes. (More information at
  • Send a team. (More information at
  • Commit to long-term investment in the Middle East to see these nations restored in truth and righteousness and to prevent further displacement. Seek the Lord to understand what long-term investment He desires of you.
  • Participate in a YWAM School of Frontier Missions, School of Evangelism or another of YWAM’s second-level training programs that can equip you. (More information at
  • Donate. Support the YWAM Refugee Circle or different YWAM locations serving refugees (see or consider supporting individuals or families working in the field.
  • Love your neighbor. Ask God to show you the refugee or migrant communities in your neighborhood and how you can come alongside them. Befriend them, assist them in practical ways, share the gospel with them, read the Bible with them, pray for them. Through their lives, their families and nations will be affected as well.
  • Share on, post a picture and add a comment about how you prayed.
  • Go to; search for #praywithywam and tweet about your prayer time/post a picture. You can also post a photo on Instagram and use the same hashtag, #praywithywam.
  • Send an email to letting us know how you prayed and what God revealed to you.
Praying for YWAM Foundational Values #4-6 in April
Photo credit: YWAM San Jose, Costa Rica

How We Prayed

April 2018 – YWAM Foundational Values 4 – 6

  • YWAM San Jose, Costa Rica noted they had an awesome time of prayer and that students saw visions from God after they prayed through the value of being visionary.

Future Topics:

  • June 14, 2018 Contemplative
  • July 12, 2018 YWAM Foundational Values 7 – 9 (Be Broad-structured and Decentralized, Be International and Interdenominational, Have a Biblical Christian Worldview)
  • August 9, 2018 YWAM Together

Don’t Miss The Invitation:

  • Sign up for prayer updates. Go to, find the “Stay Connected” box on the home page, put in your email address and click “Sign Up.”
  • Download prayer updates in a specific language. Go to (Currently available in Spanish, Portuguese, French, Indonesian, Korean or request other languages.)
  • Join the conversation about how God is leading in these prayer times. Comment on the Facebook page on the second Thursday at or on Twitter @ywam, hashtag #praywithywam. You can also post a photo on Instagram and use the same hashtag, #praywithywam.
  • You can now listen to The Invitation as a podcast. To sign up or listen to past episodes, go to:
  • If you sense God giving you a word or a direction for YWAM’s prayer, please contact us:

YWAM Foundational Values (4 – 6)

Join YWAMers around the globe in praying and hearing from God. He is inviting you!

YWAM Foundational Values 4 – 6
Photo credits: YWAM Asheville, USA

During the month of April we invite you to join YWAM’s global prayer day, called The Invitation, as we focus on three of YWAM’s Foundational Values:

  • Practice Worship and Intercessory Prayer (value 4)
  • Be Visionary (value 5)
  • Champion Young People (value 6).

In values 4 – 6 we see the very core of YWAM: without youth, there is no Youth With A Mission and without worship and intercessory prayer we don’t hear God and we don’t receive His vision for our lives.

Download and Listen to the Letter Here

According to the late Iain Muir, formerly YWAM’s International Director “From the very beginning, we learned that as worship brought us into His presence, we could hear His voice and experience His heart, leading us into intercession. All that we did came out of guidance we received during intercession and worship.” Please see below for a testimony of how the value of worship and intercession continues to shape a YWAMer from India.

A YWAM leader and author, John Dawson  recalls the ancient Irish hymn “Be Thou My Vision” when thinking about being visionary and says “To be visionary is to see Him. To be visionary is to see His nature, His character. It is in seeing Jesus, in the ’call to intimacy‘ with God and with each other, that we receive the grace of His presence, the revelation of the government of Jesus, and the birth of new vision and purposes of God for our lives, our families, our nations and even for civilizations.”

And lastly, regarding youth, another YWAM leader, Danny Lehmann, says “Championing the young among us is essential for our very life as a mission. They bring new life and fresh vision which helps us avoid slipping into the comfortable rut of doing what we’ve always done. Young people are not YWAM’s future, they are YWAM!”

As you pray and contemplate these foundational values, we would love to receive stories from you regarding how these values have shaped your ministry or your life (

Please join with YWAM’s global prayer day, called The Invitation, during the month of April to pray with us. You are particularly invited to pray during our prayer day, April 12. If you only have a few moments to pray we would ask you to reflect on these three values and pray for YWAMers to grow in worship, intercession, understanding of God’s vision for us, and inclusion of youth.

Prepare to Pray:

As you prepare to pray, consider this scripture from Psalm 40: “You have multiplied, O Lord my God, your wondrous deeds and your thoughts towards us; none can compare with you. Were I to proclaim and tell of them, they would be more than can be counted … May those who love your salvation say continually, ‘Great is the Lord.’”

Begin by taking time individually to write down those blessings you have experienced in the past month. How have you experienced God’s goodness in your life during the past few weeks? Make a short note of each experience of goodness and blessing in your life during this timeframe that you can recall.

Who has made a note of 5 things? Who has ten? Who could remember the highest number of blessings in their life from this time? After 5-10 minutes you might want to take a moment for people to speak out their thanks to God for these very real experiences of His goodness.

Next encourage people to reflect on their list of blessings. What was God revealing to you about His character through these experiences? Challenge yourself to write something different for each blessing. Were you learning that God is faithful? That He is generous? That He is detailed and intentional? Write those things down. Then get into groups of two or three. Allow time for each person to share one or more of their blessings and what they learned about God through that experience.

Close with a time of worship and thanksgiving for all the ways God makes Himself known to us and for His goodness in our lives.

Foundational Values Bookmarks Provided to DTS Students in Tasmania
Photo credits: Samantha Jane Lind

Pray for YWAM Foundational Values 4 – 6:

  • Pray for YWAM locations to keep our values as foundations in ministry.
  • Pray for YWAMers to better know God through worship and prayer.
  • Pray for the Lord to give us tremendous passion in worship.
  • Pray for clarity in God’s direction during intercessory prayer.
  • Thank the Lord for visionary missionaries who have gone before us.
  • Pray for YWAMers, young and old, to have mature and powerful statements of Jesus.
  • Pray for clarity in our life message, our vision and for our godly character to shine.
  • Pray for visionary leaders and continuity of such leaders.
  • Pray for us to be energized by the vision and callings given to us by God and that we will embrace His vision.

Be Thou my Vision, O Lord of my heart
Naught be all else to me, save that Thou art
Thou my best Thought, by day or by night
Waking or sleeping, Thy presence my light.

Ancient Irish Hymn

  • Pray for youth to be drawn to YWAM for discipleship.
  • Pray for effectiveness of our discipling activities with youth. Pray that we will seek out the reliable young men and women among us (2 Timothy 2:2) and challenge them to greatness as servants of the Lord. Pray for leaders to be assertive in discipling youth and for our youth to be assertive in seeking discipleship.
  • Pray for transformation of people/nations due to ministries of youth.
  • Pray for youth to come to Christ in record numbers.
  • Pray for wisdom in championing young people.
  • Pray for God to provide fresh vision to our youth and for his guiding.
  • Pray for our whole mission to learn from the youth among us and to hear God through them.
  • Pray for this generation of youth to do great things for God.
Prayer Room Contemplation
Photo credit: YWAM Toowoomba, Australia

Take Action:

  • Conduct an evening of worship and intercessory prayer. Focus on YWAM Foundational Value #4 as the topic. Record part of the worship segment and use it in social media to call out your location’s commitment to worship and prayer. Implement ideas that God brings out that will enhance your location’s worship and intercessory prayer time.
  • If your location does not yet have a designated prayer room, consider establishing one.
  • Watch the movie War Room and/or conduct Bible study associated with the movie.
  • Visit the Chazown (Hebrew for “vision”) website or read the book:
  • As a group do a word study of the word “vision” in the Bible and/or listen intently to various Christian songs with lyrics that include the word “vision”. Discuss what you learn. (Possible songs: “Be Thou My Vision”, “You Are My Vision”, “The Vision”, and “God, I Look to You”.)
  • Talk to people at your location who have been there for awhile and ask them how the location has come to be what it is today. Discuss past leaders/people, the specific visions God gave them, and how those were implemented. Share these stories with others in YWAM (
  • If you are a youth don’t wait for someone to actively disciple you. Seek out a mentor.
  • Invite a youth to participate in some social activity like playing pool, cooking or other activity, and have a discipling conversation. Listen to their God-given dreams and serve them in their fulfillment of those dreams.
  • Start or add to a ministry at your location that focuses on investing in youth.
  • Create a work of art that reflects YWAM’s foundational values that can be put on display at your location or shared with others at your location. (Mural, bookmarks, etc.)
  • Conduct a day/evening celebration of testimonies. Ask each participant to include something about one of the YWAM Foundational Values. Share these stories with
  • Share on, post a picture and add a comment about how you prayed.
  • Go to; search for #praywithywam and tweet about your prayer time/post a picture. You can also post a photo on Instagram and use the same hashtag, #praywithywam.
  • Send an email to letting us know how you prayed and what God revealed to you.
Foundational Value #6 Champion Young People
Photo credit: University of the Nations – Battambang, Cambodia

How We Prayed

March 2018 – Entertainment Industry and Arts and Sports Celebration Sphere

  • The Cowboys with a Mission (CWAM) DTS that just started in Meeteetse, Wyoming the week earlier prayed as a group.
  • We heard from people who prayed in the following countries: Switzerland, Canada, England, Germany, New Zealand, Kenya, Sierra Leone, Cyprus, Australia and France. People also prayed across the United States, from Washington state to Florida and from Minnesota to Texas.
  • YWAM Seamill, UK was led by God to pray for more “awe and wonder” of God to be released and they listened to the song “Where the River Flows” that is based on Ezekiel 47 – where the river flows everything will live and they called out for God’s river to flow through the Celebration Sphere.
  • A parent of a young man starting a DTS in Mexico in June responded to our prayer request on Facebook and requested prayer for her son.
  • Lynn Green, YWAM leadership team reported that this topic is amazingly timely with respect to how the Lord is leading YWAM.
Mural Work over Summer at YWAM Targu Mures, Romania
Photo credit: Meraki Letters and Designs

Future Topics:

  • May 10, 2018 Refugees Update/30 Days
  • June 14, 2018 Contemplative
  • July 12, 2018 YWAM Foundational Values 7 – 9 (Be Broad-structured and Decentralized, Be International and Interdenominational, Have a Biblical Christian Worldview)

Don’t Miss The Invitation:

  • Sign up for prayer updates. Go to, find the “Stay Connected” box on the home page, put in your email address and click “Sign Up.”
  • Download prayer updates in a specific language. Go to (Currently available in Spanish, Portuguese, French, Indonesian, Korean or request other languages.)
  • Join the conversation about how God is leading in these prayer times. Comment on the Facebook page on the second Thursday at or on Twitter @ywam, hashtag #praywithywam. You can also post a photo on Instagram and use the same hashtag, #praywithywam.
  • You can now listen to The Invitation as a podcast. To sign up or listen to past episodes, go to:
  • If you sense God giving you a word or a direction for YWAM’s prayer, please contact us:

A Testimony about YWAM’s Value Four: Practice Worship and Intercessory Prayer

My name is Khumba James, serving in YWAM Bangalore since 2010.

I joined YWAM to staff Discipleship Training Schools. Honestly I didn’t have much expectation from this value on worship. I thought I wasn’t a musician but I was wrong. But I had this one thought that kept on challenging me– young people.

I began to enjoy our corporate worship times. I remember how my days were filled with thought about worship and worship songs. Every Monday worship time in the base had been my favorite, where I learned to express my worship to God. Lifting up my hands and singing out my heart to Him was new and fresh. And I loved it so much. I started spending time alone with God for not less than two hours a day. The time just went by alone in a room singing and praying. I learned that spending time with God is never boring and wasted. Instead the best of all.

One day I asked one of my senior staff that if I can have a chance to lead Monday worship session. He didn’t say no. He said okay but wait. This is where I started pushing myself to work on my skills and intimacy with God more than before. There is so much beauty and passion within a song we sing. So much wholeness and healing everytime I express my worship to God. I needed fellowship and corporate worship time, I needed God and his presence all the time. My cold heartedness and dryness was replaced by longing for God and passion to sing his songs and pray. This was the becoming of new life and freedom.

People gave positive feedback about my worship leading and ministry. This was overwhelming at times. But I knew it’s God who deserves all the glory.

Two years staffing in DTS has guided me to this vision, and I did YWAM’s School of Music In Mission in 2012. God opened the door to work with my mentor and leader Thanga Nohro. We led worship together. I’m forever thankful to God for this passion, and bringing the right leaders and friends around me in the right time. I have learned to trust God for all my needs as a musician leading worship.

I recorded my first worship album in 2016-17. This is something I never thought of ever in my entire life. God is good and all the glory belongs to him.

To worship God and be in awe of him is always my desire constantly. To know him more and learn his ways, to be more intimate in my relationship with him, to hear his voice and know where he is leading me, and to be used by him is my whole passion and purpose. To respond to him with all my love and reverence, declare his praises and witness his goodness and promises is my calling.

Worship and Intercession is the reason I’m in YWAM. I do help others in churches and schools with this in mind.

May God continue to inspire you and increase his anointing on you for his glory. God is faithful beyond our understanding. God called you and will equip you. This is what I have learned.

Khumba James,
YWAM  Bangalore, India.

Entertainment Industry and Arts and Sports Celebration Sphere

Join YWAMers around the globe in praying and hearing from God. He is inviting you!

From left to right: Lu’au – Lion Dance; Dance performance in Asia; Photo credits: YWAM Island Breeze, YWAM Hong Kong.

The arena of arts and entertainment has long set a precedent for culture. And where culture goes, so society goes. Art and entertainment have power to influence and shape not only people’s perspectives, but a nation’s worldview.

Around the world we can clearly see an attack of the enemy on the sphere of celebration (arts, entertainment and sports). The media and entertainment all around us display violence, false pleasures, selfishness, and lies about who we are and who God is. The enemy’s agenda is fully displayed through videos, movies, music, and art and many lives are being deceived through this.

Art has tremendous power to shape culture and touch the human heart. Its artifacts embody the ideas and desires of the coming generation. This means that what is happening in the arts today is prophetic of what will happen in our culture tomorrow. It also means that when Christians abandon the artistic community, we lose a significant opportunity to communicate Christ to our culture.

Philip Graham Ryken

Yet, God is not silent and He has raised up His people around the globe to make a holy stand for this sphere! There are Christians around the world and within YWAM that have taken their calling as artists who will display God’s character and values to the world through the work they create and their platform in art, entertainment and sports.

YWAM has 106 locations in 49 different countries around the world with ministries and schools that focus on training up artists, musicians, and athletes to influence this sphere. These YWAM workers include dancers, filmmakers, fashion designers, actors, culinary artists, fine artists, street artists, musicians, and athletes from multiple sports.

Please join with YWAM’s global prayer day, called The Invitation, during the month of March to pray for God’s movement in the entertainment industry and the sphere of celebration. You are particularly invited to pray during our prayer day, March 8. If you only have a few moments to pray we would ask you to pray for artists and entertainers to reflect the character of God and for YWAM workers to have more open doors to share God’s message.

Swim Meet, Photo credit: YWAM Pichilemu, Chile.

Prepare to Pray:

As you prepare to pray about God’s purposes for the arts, entertainment and sports, consider the following exercise as a way to help you and your group enter into prayer. The imagery uses an artistic and creative approach to provide a way for God to lead.

If you are praying in a group, you may choose to project this image so that everyone can see it.

Photo credit: YWAM.

Take a few moments to gaze at the image. Quietly, as individuals, consider the beauty of the waterfall, the power of the water, the precipitous rocks. Now ask yourself these questions, taking more time with whichever ones resonate most with you:

Consider the life of God as this flowing and powerful water, and your life with Him.

As you reflect on your life currently, where do you see yourself in this image?

  • in what way are you paused at the top of the falls, fearful of plunging into the unknown?
  • in what way are you carried with the force of the water? To what extent does this feel exuberant and full of energy? To what extent do you feel battered by the rocks along the way?
  • in what ways have you, like the rock, been formed and shaped by the life of God, even in those places in your life that were hard and apparently unyielding?
  • in what way might you see yourself off to the side, observing the power of the water but not actually touched by it?
  • in what ways do you experience yourself as being in the pool beneath the falls, enjoying the rush of the waters, yet with a sense of safety and well-being?
  • in what ways are you aware of the beauty of the promises of God concerning your life and the situations and people you care about?

When everyone has taken a few minutes to reflect on the question or questions that most draw their attention, take time to share what you noticed with one or two other people.

To close, consider how God used an image, together with your imagination and your awakened spirit, to bring you to a place of greater awareness of Him and His work in your life. Hold this in mind as you move into the time of prayer about the sphere of arts and entertainment.

Pray for Artists and Entertainers:

  • Pray for artists and entertainers to reflect the character of God (godly, humble, willing to serve, full of integrity) and have the fear of the Lord.
  • Pray that artists and athletes would see themselves as missionaries and potential world changers.
  • Pray for the Holy Spirit to fill artists with skill, intelligence and knowledge in their craft and area of expertise:

Then Moses said to the people of Israel, “See, the Lord has called by name Bezalel the son of Uri, son of Hur, of the tribe of Judah; and he has filled him with the Spirit of God, with skill, with intelligence, with knowledge, and with all craftsmanship, to devise artistic designs, to work in gold and silver and bronze, in cutting stones for setting, and in carving wood, for work in every skilled craft. And he has inspired him to teach, both him and Oholiab the son of Ahisamach of the tribe of Dan.

Exodus 35:30-34 (ESV)

  • Pray for God’s inspiration and creativity, with the artist as a co-creator with God.
  • Pray for more people with a heart for arts to step up and take their place!
  • Pray for the Christians in entertainment to have a strong Christian community that will encourage them and keep them accountable.
  • Pray for YWAM ministries and individuals that are focused on reaching this sphere, for God’s protection and provision and greater influence in their area.
Dance and Fine Art, Photo credit: YWAM Lakeside Montana

Pray for the Work Being Created:

  • Praise God for the growth in YWAM’s University of the Nations College of Arts and Sports.
  • Pray for deeper revelation for YWAM as to God’s purposes through art and sport in the future. Pray that new YWAM expressions would emerge and that existing locations would make room for these new ministerial approaches.
  • Pray for more YWAMers to gain a vision for how the Kingdom of God can grow through art and sports, especially that YWAM’s Discipleship Training School students entering our family would be exposed to fresh visionary language as to how they can use their gifting in this way to glorify the Lord, communicate truth and see transformation in this sphere of influence.
  • Pray that the YWAM global network for arts and sports would grow closer together, growing in friendship, learning communities and collaborative partnerships.
  • Pray that our arts and sports networks would expand into non-YWAM and non-Christian networks.
  • Pray that YWAM would adapt and innovate in the area of arts and sports. Pray for growth in wisdom regarding how to preach truth to a generation that views truth as something that is relative.
  • Pray for art and entertainment to reflect godly values.
  • Pray for relevant and creative ways to communicate God’s message.
  • Pray for art content to point the audience to God and to express truth with the power of the Holy Spirit.
  • Pray for excellence in the work for Christian artists and entertainers that will be a testimony of God’s excellence and creativity.

What makes art Christian art? Is it simply Christian artists painting biblical subjects like Jeremiah? Or, by attaching a halo, does that suddenly make something Christian art? Must the artist’s subject be religious to be Christian? I don’t think so. There is a certain sense in which art is its own justification. If art is good art, if it is true art, if it is beautiful art, then it is bearing witness to the Author of the good, the true, and the beautiful”

R. C. Sproul

Pray for Influence:

  • Pray for more open doors for artists to share God’s message
  • Pray for new doors to be opened in media: movies, TV, internet, advertising, videos, music, etc.
  • Pray for more art made by Christians to be recognized for its excellence and brought to a wider audience
One Voice, YWAM Together 2016

Take Action:

  • If you are an artist or have giftings or passion in the sphere of celebration, consider taking a second-level school in YWAM that will develop you to be more effective as an artist in missions:
  • If you would like to do a YWAM Discipleship Training School that focuses on arts, entertainment or sports, go to and search for an opportunity. YWAM offers many DTS programs around the world that emphasize this kind of ministry.
  • Read books that will give you a clearer perspective of what it means to be a Christian artist:
    • “Art and the Bible” by Francis A. Schaeffer
    • “Imagine” by Steve Turner
    • “Art for God’s Sake” by Philip Graham Ryken
    • “Addicted to Mediocrity” by Franky Schaeffer
    • “Art & Soul” by Brand & Chaplin
    • “The Creative Call” by Janice Elsheimer
  • Seek one artist/entertainer/athlete around you and encourage and support them
  • Pray regularly for a specific artist/entertainer/athlete.
  • Subscribe to the University of the Nation’s College of Arts and Sports Dean’s Corner to receive regular updates on how God is using the arts and sports in YWAM by emailing
  • See what YWAM is doing in this sphere:

Contemporary dance. Photo credit: YWAM Hong Kong – Tuen Mun.

How We Prayed

February 2018 – Community Development

  • YWAM Blantyre, Malawi prayed and reported that, at a minimum, they pray on Fridays and Tuesdays, sometimes focusing on global prayer and sometimes on local prayer.
  • YWAM Tegucigalpa and YWAM Campus Ministry in Madagascar prayed.
  • People prayed from the following countries: Canada, New Zealand, United Kingdom, Sweden, USA, Australia, Germany, Kenya, India, Honduras, and Nigeria.
  • Create Thailand prayed for hope and steadfast love and a few particular ministries that are doing community development in YWAM Chiang Mai.
  • YWAM Minneapolis used the Invitation during their weekly intercession times. They prayed for bridge building, unity of communities and the seven spheres of society related to growing communities.
  • The International House of Prayer in Kansas City prayed for community development. Each month they produce a calendar with daily YWAM topics and monthly focus so that people throughout their organization can pray. In January, their monthly focus was on YWAM’s foundational values #1 – 3.

Future Topics:

  • April 12, 2018 YWAM Foundational Values 4 – 6 (Practice Worship and Intercessory Prayer, Be Visionary, Champion Young People)
  • May 10, 2018 Refugees Update/30 Days

Don’t Miss The Invitation:

  • Sign up for prayer updates. Go to, find the “Stay Connected” box on the home page, put in your email address and click “Sign Up.”
  • Download prayer updates in a specific language. Go to (Currently available in Spanish, Portuguese, Indonesian, Korean or request other languages.)
  •  Join the conversation about how God is leading in these prayer times. Comment on the Facebook page on the second Thursday at or on Twitter @ywam, hashtag #praywithywam. You can also post a photo on Instagram and use the same hashtag, #praywithywam.
  • You can now listen to The Invitation as a podcast. To sign up or listen to past episodes, go to:
  • If you sense God giving you a word or a direction for YWAM’s prayer, please contact us:

Community Development

Join YWAMers around the globe in praying and hearing from God. He is inviting you!

In February, join us as we pray about God’s intentions for communities around the world, both poor ones and rich ones. We will pray about community development, which YWAM worker Keri Fishlock describes as “helping communities discover their true identity and helping them step toward God’s intentions.”

Framed within a biblical worldview, Keri believes community development addresses one of the biggest topics of all:

  • It’s about the Kingdom of God overcoming the kingdom of darkness;
  • It’s about Jesus bringing life to the full, undoing the work of the thief who comes only to steal, kill and destroy;
  • It’s about Truth replacing the lies of the enemy;
  • It’s about seeing more of the Kingdom of God expressed in our families, communities and nations;
  • It’s about men and women developing right relationships with God, other people and the physical world.

Within this context, community development is the need of every community and the responsibility of every believer. It’s about discipling individuals, families, communities and nations. Coupled with a biblical understanding of poverty (, community development is not only about physical things such as building water tanks and hospitals, but happens when communities step away from lies and into truth, from pride to humility, from corruption and greed to living the way God intended, and when broken relationships are replaced by healthy relationships where healing and fullness can be experienced.

Community Development Explained From a Biblical Worldview Lens
Photo credits: Keri Fishlock

Please join with YWAM’s global prayer day, called The Invitation, during the month of February to pray with us about God’s intentions for communities around the world. You are particularly invited to pray during our prayer day, February 8.

If you only have a few moments to pray we would ask you to pray for the communities in which you minister, that the communities would break away from Satan’s grip and into the truth and direction God has for them.

Pray for Community Development

  • Pray 2 Chronicles 7:14, specifically that God’s people would humble themselves and that he would heal our land. Thank God for being the one who transforms. Pray that YWAMers would repent for the times we have taken on the role of “savior” rather than pointing to Him.
  • Pray for YWAM ministries that are intentionally involved in community development, that students and workers would lead transformation from a solid biblical perspective.
  • Acknowledge your own brokenness and ask for His healing and restoration within your relationships with God, man, others and the physical world.
  • Pray that the church would take up its role in discipling communities and equipping people for works of service.
  • Pray for YWAM’s University of the Nations Community Development and Justice Centre to continue to grow in relational networks and to help equip people to walk out a biblical worldview very practically in every sphere of society.
  • Pray for multiplication of YWAM’s Community Development School. Pray for the new school starting in Nepal on Feb 19, 2018.
  • Pray specifically for those involved with Mercy Ministries with YWAM [].
  • Pray for those living in brokenness that the lies of the enemy would be broken (including those not only in impoverished communities, but also in wealthy communities) and replaced with God’s truth.
  • Pray for God to be faithful in our cries for the oppressed and that He will soften the hearts of community leaders.
  • Jesus desires that we have a full life. Pray this verse for communities and people that God brings to your mind:

 “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.”

John 10:10                

Take Action:

  • Attend a YWAM Community Development School (CDS) or Community Development Seminar.
  • Attend the Coram Deo free online training course with Disciple Nations Alliance. Watch this video for more information:

  • Build relationship with people in your community and gain understanding of their story, hopes and fears. Ask God what His vision is for your community and ask Him how you as Christ’s ambassador can step out personally.
  • Learn about community development principles at YWAM Harpenden’s CommunityDevelopment Hub:

Conducting a Community Survey on the Island of Lingira (Uganda)
Photo credit: YWAM Torch

How We Prayed

January 2018 – YWAM Foundational Values #1 – 3

  • Many YWAMers and friends of YWAM posted on Facebook that they prayed. Some of the countries represented include: Malawi, USA, India, Canada, New Zealand, United Kingdom, Uganda, South Africa, Zambia, and Italy.
  • One person prayed for a YWAM ministry center to be started where she is located as a way to further Value 2: Make God Known.
  • Several people noted which of these three values was most on their heart that day.
  • YWAM Potchefstroom, South Africa had a day of prayer and fasting for YWAM’s Discipleship Training School.

Future Topics:

  • March 8, 2018 Entertainment Industry
  • April 12, 2018 YWAM Foundational Values 4 – 6 (Practice Worship and Intercessory Prayer, Be Visionary, Champion Young People)
  • May 10, 2018 Refugees Update

Don’t Miss The Invitation:

  • Sign up for prayer updates. Go to, find the “Stay Connected” box on the home page, put in your email address and click “Sign Up.”
  • Download prayer updates in a specific language. Go to (Currently available in Spanish, Portuguese, Indonesian, Korean or request other languages.)
  •  Join the conversation about how God is leading in these prayer times. Comment on the Facebook page on the second Thursday at or on Twitter @ywam, hashtag #praywithywam. You can also post a photo on Instagram and use the same hashtag, #praywithywam.
  • You can now listen to The Invitation as a podcast. To sign up or listen to past episodes, go to:
  • If you sense God giving you a word or a direction for YWAM’s prayer, please contact us:

YWAM Foundational Values (1-3)

Join YWAMers around the globe in praying and hearing from God. He is inviting you!

Teaching YWAM Foundational Values to a Discipleship Training School
Photo credits: Massai DTS

The identification of YWAM foundational values began in 1985 with YWAM cofounder Darlene Cunningham asking, “What are the basic things that God has called YWAM to live and model to others?” The first official YWAM foundational values document was released in 1992 and was revised in 2004. YWAM foundational values now play such an integral part of YWAM that they are taught in every Discipleship Training School (DTS) and they are regularly shared at YWAM conferences all over the world.

Said one DTS student in Wollongong, Australia, “As I listened to our leader list YWAM’s 18 foundational values, I felt inspired. It was a picture of common purpose, people gathering to hear from God and being unified in mission. I want to be part of this, I thought.”

Over the next 18 months The Invitation will focus on these Foundational Values, asking YWAMers everywhere to pray for three values each quarter, or one value each month. Therefore, in January we invite you to pray about the first three foundational values:

  1. Know God. YWAM is committed to know God, His nature, His character and His ways. We seek to reflect who He is in every aspect of our lives and ministry. The automatic overflow of knowing and enjoying fellowship with God is a desire to share Him with others.
  2. Make God known.?YWAM is called to make God known throughout the whole world, and into every arena of society through evangelism, training and mercy ministries. We believe that salvation of souls should result in transformation of societies, thus obeying Jesus’ command to make disciples of all nations.
  3. Hear God’s voice. YWAM is committed to creating with God through listening to Him, praying His prayers and obeying His commands in matters great and small. We are dependent upon hearing His voice as individuals, together in team contexts and in larger corporate gatherings as an integral part of our process for decision making.

Please join with YWAM’s global prayer day, called The Invitation, during the month of January to pray with us. You are particularly invited to pray during our prayer day, January 11.

If you only have a few moments to pray we would ask you to reflect on these three values and pray for yourself and others in the YWAM family to uphold and practice these values in all that we do.

Prepare to Pray:

Before praying, consider doing the following exercise. It could help you and your group reflect on the significance of the values we are praying about this month.

READ: Read from Acts 15:1-30.

THINK: Read the passage through again silently.

  1. Consider the disciples’ growing understanding of God’s character and His ways. Identify the places in this passage centered on who God is. How does this value shape the disciples’ choices and actions?
  2. Reflect on verse 19. Meditate on what it might look like in your context “not to make it difficult for those who are turning to God.” If you are in a group, discuss this together.
  3. Read verse 28 again. The disciples’ letter reads, “It seemed good to the Holy Spirit and to us.” Consider the process of prayerful listening and discerning dialogue that led them to address the issues in this way. What issues are you facing that require this sort of participation with the Holy Spirit?

PRAY: Thank God for His desire to be known, and for the goodness of His ways and His character to be made known both to you and throughout the world. Take a moment in quiet to hold before Him those people and places you long to receive revelation of who God is.

LIVE: What would it look like for you to take an internal posture of listening? Return to this image throughout the day as you listen for the ways God is inviting you to know Him, and to make Him known to those around you.

Left to right: Know God and Make Him Known; Teens at YWAM Mission Adventure camp playing game to understand Hearing God’s Voice
Photo credits: YWAM Cancun; Crazy About You Ministries

Pray for YWAM Foundational Values 1 – 3:

  • Pray for YWAMers to embrace YWAM’s foundational values #1 – 3 so that YWAM can better display His presence to others.
  • Pray for greater integration of YWAM values in our ministries.
  • Ask the Holy Spirit to search our hearts for any uncleanness. Pray for us to be fully committed to walk in openness and transparency before God and others.
  • Pray for YWAMers to be willing to obey. Pray for YWAMers to be able to leave comfort zones behind and to step out in faith.
  • Pray for YWAMers to hear his voice in the midst of sufferings of non-believers near to us and far from us and for Him to give us the faith to respond as He calls.
  • Pray for courage and faith of YWAMers to make Him known to others with whom we encounter.
  • Pray for wisdom of YWAM leaders in communicating and incorporating YWAM foundation values throughout YWAM.
  • Pray for complete trust in who God is and His plans for our lives.
  • Pray for a greater understanding of who each of us is in Christ so that our response to challenges and setbacks shows us to be faithful servants of God.
  • Pray for DTS students to embrace these first three foundational values and for their lives to be changed. Pray for forgiveness, healing, and redemption as a result.

He says, “Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.”

Psalm 46:10 (NIV)

Take Action:

  • As a location, choose one of the YWAM foundational values and focus on it for at least one month. Share the value with others outside of YWAM and analyze their response. Create digital media associated with this value and share with The Invitation and/or with Darlene Cunningham in YWAM, Kona.
  • Read this book for the first time or read it again with a fresh perspective: Is That Really You God? by Loren Cunningham.
  • Plan an event (staff meeting, retreat, etc.) where each participant is assigned one of the YWAM foundational values. Have each participant seek wisdom from the Holy Spirit regarding their assigned value and report to the group in a way that will help others apply that value in their life.
  • Watch this short video about Hearing the Voice of God from YWAM Mazatlan:
  • Share on, post a picture and add a comment about how you prayed.
  • Go to; search for #praywithywam and tweet about your prayer time/post a picture. You can also post a photo on Instagram and use the same hashtag, #praywithywam.
  • Send an email to letting us know how you prayed and what God revealed to you.

Left to right, top to bottom photo credits: YWAM Blantyre; YWAM Island Breeze; YWAM Southlands Adelaide

How We Prayed

December 2017 – Pyongyang, North Korea

  • YWAM Diriamba, Nicaragua (Near Managua) reported that they would be praying during the entire month of December for Pyongyang.
  • The Invitation was shared on Facebook over 150 times, received over 500 likes and had more than 150 comments. People noted they were praying all over the world including, but not limited to Canada, Haiti, Brazil, India, Philippines, Netherlands, Indonesia, Argentina, Nigeria, Ghana, England, Kenya, Germany, Barbados, Egypt, Mozambique, Australia, Nigeria, Rwanda, Costa Rica, Madagascar, Japan, Mexico, Papua New Guinea and New Zealand, as well a many states within the United States.
  • YWAM Perth, Australia prayed for hope and boldness for believers and that they would have influence on government leaders and that the leaders would respond with deep repentance and that nation of North Korea would be transformed.
  • YWAM Seamill, Scotland focused on the Christians in North Korea, inspired by the video testimony included in The Invitation.
  • YWAM Champagne, France is believing the Lord will transform the country of North Korea and they were inspired by Jeremiah 39, Isaiah 61 and 62, Acts 16 and John 7.

Future Topics:

  • February 8, 2018 Community Development
  • March 8, 2018 Entertainment Industry/Celebration Sphere
  • April 12, 2018 YWAM Foundational Values 4 – 6 (Practice Worship and Intercessory Prayer, Be Visionary, Champion Young People)

Don’t Miss The Invitation:

  • Sign up for prayer updates. Go to, find the “Stay Connected” box on the home page, put in your email address and click “Sign Up.”
  • Download prayer updates in a specific language. Go to (Currently available in Spanish, Portuguese, French, Indonesian, Korean or request other languages.)
  • Join the conversation about how God is leading in these prayer times. Comment on the Facebook page on the second Thursday at or on Twitter @ywam, hashtag #praywithywam. You can also post a photo on Instagram and use the same hashtag, #praywithywam.
  • You can now listen to The Invitation as a podcast. To sign up or listen to past episodes, go to:
  • If you sense God giving you a word or a direction for YWAM’s prayer, please contact us: