Category Archives: Prayer

Pray for Afghan Refugees

The Invitation, January 13, 2022

During more than 40 years of war in Afghanistan, many Afghans in desperation have chosen to leave their homes. An estimated five million Afghans have now spread out around the world, forming one of the world’s largest refugee populations. Some of these are believers in Jesus. Over the last decades, like never before in history, we have seen the beginning of a real movement of Afghan followers of Jesus. Some estimate about 12,000 believers in the country and many house churches. Please pray for refugees from Afghanistan. They are going through enormous transition, as the realities of life in their new host countries are completely different from the life they have left behind. They need our prayers! Please join with one of YWAM’s prayer initiative called The Invitation and pray right now and on our prayer day, January 13.

Topic suggested by Lynn Yee and the YWAM Refugee Circle convenors; written by A.P. in Central Asia.
Photo: Afghan refugee at a refugee center in Germany; by Thiago Souza.
Listen to the Letter
  1. YWAM has been working among Afghan refugees, especially in countries like Pakistan, Tajikistan, India, Turkey, Germany and Greece. Many of these refugees need food, clothing and shelter, need medical care, or are simply lost. Pray that God would use us to bring help and hope to Afghans in these nations. Pray that house churches would spread throughout their communities, so that the gospel would reach many people.
  2. Pray for the churches in USA, Canada, Brazil, Australia and Europe who are working hard to help settle thousands of Afghans. Pray they would know how best to help them, that the Church would shine Jesus’ light and life through their hospitality.
  3. Pray for Afghan believers moving to various nations for the first time, that they would be able to gather and continue to reach out to other Afghans.
  4. Pray for the adjustment of Afghan refugees: for employment, for language learning, for cultural understanding, for comfort from homesickness, for friendship.
  5. Pray for the thousands of Afghans still in Afghanistan who want to leave the country as soon as possible, and others who cannot leave and suffer from lack of employment, and inability to pay for food or medicine.

Suggestions for Group or Individual Prayer

Listen to this song of lament for Afghanistan by Jose Joseph in India:

Let this song help you connect with God’s heart, and inspire you to speak out hope as you pray for the people who have fled this land.

Take Action

Afghans are a friendly people! Maybe you have heard about them moving close to where you are located. How about praying for an opportunity to start relationship building? Invite them for tea, to join you in playing sports. Help them buy groceries, or maybe help them learn the local language. Also, learn how to share the gospel with them in a way they would understand.

For more information about working among Afghans, please contact For more information on working with refugees, please join the YWAM Refugee Circle group on Facebook.

Join The Invitation

Learn more about this YWAM prayer day, called The Invitation, at Please let us know how you prayed at Please also tell us if you would like to recommend a prayer topic for The Invitation.

Pray for YWAM Europe Together

The Invitation, December 9, 2021

Next year in Oslo, Norway, from June 21 to 24, YWAM Europe is convening a conference called “His Kingdom Come—YWAM Europe Together.” They are inviting people from Europe and across the world, whether current or former staff or students of YWAM, or friends of YWAM. This gathering and workshop will ask the question, “What could God’s kingdom look like in our families, schools, neighborhoods, arts, sports, government and indeed all areas of society?” Please join with YWAM’s prayer initiative called The Invitation and pray for the planning of this event, and for all those expected to come. Please pray right now and on our prayer day, December 9.

Topic suggested by Tim SolWoong Kim in Norway; written by Hui En in Norway.
Listen to the Letter

Our survey: Also, please help us improve The Invitation. Please take three minutes to complete our survey by clicking this link: Thank you!

  1. Pray for Europe, that we might see God’s kingdom come in the workplaces, homes and lives of people throughout this region.
  2. Pray for the preparation for His Kingdom Come—YWAM Europe Together 2022. Pray for the core team and all the people contributing to make this event a reality.
  3. Pray for the participants God will bring, for preparation of their hearts. Pray that they would have great courage, revelation and favor as they prepare to come.
  4. Pray for divine connections that will reignite a passion for the Lord and for the lost.

Suggestions for Group or Individual Prayer

Watch this video as a way to prepare to pray:

How We Prayed

Korea Unification, November 2021.

From S. H.: “I prayed for Korea as directed by using my hands as symbols of what God needs to do for Korea, the poor, the Christians, the agreement and unification of North and South Korea, the leaders and that the Holy Spirit should align my heart to the good purpose of God in Korea. Thank you!”

Join The Invitation

Learn more about this YWAM prayer day, called The Invitation, at Please let us know how you prayed at Please also tell us if you would like to recommend a prayer topic for The Invitation.

Pray for Unification of Korea

The Invitation, November 11, 2021

The division of Korea in 1945 was supposed to be temporary. Unfortunately, this artificial separation between families has now lasted 70 years. A great cultural and economic divide now exists between North and South Korea. The people of North Korea have suffered greatly under a regime that denies them basic human rights. Many Koreans in both countries long for unification, and many Christian leaders have sensed God giving them visions for this. Please join with us through The Invitation, one of YWAM’s prayer initiatives, as we pray for unification of North and South Korea. Please take a moment to pray right now and join us on our prayer day, November 11.

Topic suggested by: David Cole in New Zealand. Prayer content from: a 21-day prayer guide from YWAM Korea.
Photo from Pyongyang, North Korea by Thomas Evans on

Listen to the Letter

As you begin to pray, hold your hand before you so that your five fingers can prompt you to pray in the following ways.

  1. Pinky finger. This is the smallest and weakest finger. Pray for those in North and South Korea who feel they are disempowered and unable to affect change. Pray for those who are poor, both in spirit and in resources. North Korean leader Kim Jong-un has recently admitted his country faces food shortages. In your heart, come alongside those who appear to be weak, that they may be strengthened in faith and encouraged in hope.
  2. Ring finger. This finger is a symbol of commitment and covenant. Pray for renewed covenants of relationship and unity between North and South Korea. Pray against hatred and fear on both sides. Pray for a process of increasing relationship exchanges between countries. Pray for those in government who might lead the way in moving the two Koreas towards the oneness of unification in ways that respect the distinctness of both. Pray for God to guide countries with an influence on Korean unification, particularly China, the USA, Japan and Russia.
  3. Middle finger. This finger is the tallest. Pray for all those in leadership and positions of influence, that their decisions would open the way for unification. Pray especially that God would raise up godly leaders who stand for God’s purposes and make decisions that act as foundations for the future. Pray for political leaders including President Moon Jae-in of South Korea and, in North Korea: Kim Jong-un, Choi Ryong Ha, Hwang Byeong Seo, Park Bong Joo, Kim Young Nam, and Kim Yeo Jung (Kim Jong-un’s sister).
  4. Pointer finger. This finger points the way. Pray for Christians to stand boldly in their calling to be those who lead others, through prayer and action, toward the good purposes of God. Pray for revival in both Koreas. Pray for protection of believers in North Korea, where owning a Bible or being known as a Christian can be punished with time a labor camp.
  5. The thumb is closest to you. You could point your thumb to your own chest. Ask the Holy Spirit to align your own heart with the good purposes of God for North and South Korea as you pray.

Perhaps this hand prompt will come to mind in the days ahead. When it does, take a moment to continue to hold the two Koreas before the Lord.

How We Prayed

October 14—COP26 Climate Conference

A YWAM team in Vietnam reported a “wonderful time of prayer.” They prayed for the hosts and delegates. “We prayed particularly for the emerging generation that they would have revelation of the God of hope as He is creator and is still in control.”

Join The Invitation

Learn more about this YWAM prayer day, called The Invitation, at Please let us know how you prayed at Please also tell us if you would like to recommend a prayer topic for The Invitation.

Pray for the COP26 Climate Conference

In the first two weeks of November, delegates from almost every nation will be gathering in Glasgow, Scotland for a huge United Nations climate change negotiation. Called Conference of Parties 26 (COP26) it will be one of the largest international events ever hosted by the UK, with up to 30,000 people in attendance. Many world leaders, including the Pope and Queen Elizabeth II, will be there, along with policy experts, diplomats, and scientists. YWAMers have been prayer walking the site and YWAM in the UK has planned an outreach during the event. Please join with us through The Invitation, one of YWAM’s prayer initiatives, as we pray for God to use this event to bring restoration to the world. Please pray right now and on our prayer day, October 14.

Topic suggested by JP in Belgium; written by Ben Richards, Phil and Christy Summerton and team in England.
Photo of YWAMers prayer walking a COP26 site in Glasgow, Scotland.

Listen to the Letter

  1. Pray for God to use this conference to bring healing to our world. Problems such as climate change reflect our broken relationship with God, each other, and with the land God has entrusted to us to steward (Gen 1:26). This is a controversial topic for some, but the consequences of insufficient action are serious, particularly to poorer parts of the world. Alternatively a just, practical agreement could improve the lives of many people. Pray for the delegates to this conference and also for the Body of Christ globally that we would steward what we have been blessed with, not only for our own good, but the good of the generations to come. “A good person leaves an inheritance for their children’s children” (Prov 13:22).
  2. Pray for the negotiations. Pray for God’s presence to bring diverse peoples together for common purposes. Pray for truth to come into the light, and for deception to be revealed. Pray for good translation and communication. Pray for help for poorer nations with smaller delegations to be able to participate fully and for humility between countries. Pray for reconciliation between nations and those impacted differently by changes in climate.
  3. Bless the city of Glasgow. Pray for city leaders and residents as they prepare for the influx of people from all over the world and as they organize hospitality and security–all while dealing with concerns for Covid19.
  4. Pray for the YWAM street outreach to Glaswegians, COP26 delegates and activists. Pray for opportunities to share with those who have fears for the future and to communicate the hope Jesus brings to any situation.

Suggestions for Group or Individual Prayer

Use the video in the letter to help you pray through the sites of COP26, or follow along with the audio in this podcast:

Take Action

  • Pray every day of COP26, November 1-12, at 12 noon in your time zone. Go to a green space, get on your knees and call out to God for reconciliation and justice between the land, humanity and our Creator. “If my people would humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land” (2 Chron 7:14).
  • Visit this website for more info and to sign up for news updates:

Join The Invitation

Learn more about this YWAM prayer day, called The Invitation, at Please let us know how you prayed at Please also tell us if you would like to recommend a prayer topic for The Invitation.

Pray for Universities

The Invitation, September 9, 2021

As the school year begins in many parts of the world, a YWAM prayer initiative called The Invitation is focusing on universities. Please pray with us for God’s purposes for higher education. More students than ever are enrolling in universities. A newly updated study by the ICEF Monitor, the leading market intelligence resource for the education industry, shows that the number of students attending university has doubled in the past 20 years and is projected to double again in the next 20 years. The future will be shaped by these students and their ideas and practices as well as the events that occur on their campuses. Please pray for these students right now and on our prayer day, September 9.

Topic suggested by and written by John Henry, in USA.
Photo of YWAM university ministry in Cartagena, Colombia

Listen to the Letter

  1. Pray for universities and students near your community, and for any institution of higher education where students you know are enrolled. Pray for those suffering from anxieties and other mental health issues. Pray for those experiencing Covid-related stress. Pray for good relationships between students and their parents.
  2. Pray for former YWAMers and other believers currently studying in university. Pray for their continued spiritual formation and active engagement in Christ’s mission. Pray for believing students to study abroad as a means to become ambassadors for Christ in other nations. Pray that stories of faith and courage on campus would be retold and published to encourage a new generation of students to join Jesus’ mission.
  3. Pray for international students from unreached people groups and creative-access nations, for the planting of campus fellowships for them. Pray that these students would be empowered to reach their own people throughout the world.
  4. Pray for YWAM’s Campus Ministries. Pray for YWAM’s University of the Nations Student Mobilization Centre (, which aims to mobilize university students of all nations on every campus worldwide to God’s purposes for their lives. Pray for a new wave of student interns led and hosted by YWAMers and friends of YWAM ( YWAM interns have established therapy routines in orphanages, set up working pharmacies, developed healthy nutritional plans for hospices, taught forgiveness education to refugees, and created curricula for schools. Pray for the equipping of new YWAM missionaries to universities through training programs such as the School of University Ministries & Missions (

Suggestions for Group or Individual Prayer

  • Take two minutes to jot down a list of former YWAMers and other people you know who are currently in university.
  • Visit a local university and pray there.

Take Action

  • Show hospitality to international students who are far from home by providing transport, sharing a meal, or through language practice.
  • Help students to serve and learn about issues of poverty, disease, illiteracy, impure water, human trafficking, domestic violence, drug abuse, homelessness, at risk youth, etc.
  • Partner with student organizations to distribute Bibles and conduct Bible engagement activities.
  • Set aside time to pray on campus and then post a video or blog about the prayer time. #PraytheCampus

Join The Invitation

Learn more about this YWAM prayer day, called The Invitation, at Please let us know how you prayed at Please also tell us if you would like to recommend a prayer topic for The Invitation.