In collaboration with the church of ASU World Ministry Tanzania, YWAM has helped to build two water tank projects in the Mvomero district, Morogoro Region of Tanzania. YWAM and the church decided to take up the project after possible embezzlement of money allocated for the projects in the region.
The water tank projects are now the only water supply point in the area.
After hearing of an attempted infanticide in a remote village of Papua New Guinea a YWAM Introduction to Primary Health Care School (IPHC) team was able to bring much needed medical care to the very malnourished child. In addition to seeing a physical change in the life of the child the team also saw a spiritual change in the village as the villager’s began to see the value of the life of any child, no matter how it comes into the world.
Designed specifically for College and University students the “One DTS” offered by Youth With A Mission Colorado splits the traditional YWAM DTS in half to run over two summers. The first summer is spent in the lecture phase of the DTS. After the lecture phase the student then participates in a local church internship while studying or working. The following summer the students participate in an international outreach with the YWAM DTS.
You can find out more about this unique YWAM DTS experience here.
The YWAM Outreach to Bangkok, Thailand’s red-light district is currently needing staff for it’s ministry to the sex workers and clients there. The MST Project who runs the outreach is looking for male and female long term staff, videographers and administrative staff. The pre-requisite for staff there is the completion of a YWAM DTS.
If you are interested visit the MST web-site here.