We had a report come in to us earlier this week that during the night of the 22nd of January that the roof of YWAM Medicine Hat’s Central building had collapsed. Medicine Hat has received and unusually large snowfall over the last few weeks and the roof was not able to take the weight. The roof simply folded and 1/3 of the building has collapsed.
Thankfully there was no one injured in the collapse.
YWAM Medicine Hat has been renting the building and was in final negotiations for the purchase of the property. The ramifications for the collapse of the roof is not yet known, but they would appreciate a lot of prayer right now about the situation.
They believe that this place is to be a missions base with prayer and missions going hand in hand. The ministry at Youth Wtih A Mission in Medicine Hat has been growing and they have seen a number of ministries growing and being birthed in the last number of years.
Until they know more they are not sure what will be happening. They are looking at possibly needing to find and rent a new facility. They would greatly appreciate your prayer and wisdom into the situation.