Usually when I talk about universal access I’m talking about technology. Is our web-site accessible, how does it look on mobile devices, does it work on low speed internet connections, etc…
The new Global New Testament though takes it to a much more basic level, making a single new testament bible including translations in six different languages:
- English (New International Version)
- German (Hoffnung für Alle)
- French (Bible Du Semeur)
- Spanish (La Santa Biblia, Nueva Versión International)
- Russian (Slovo Zhizny)
- Arabic (Ketab El Hayat)
A bible like this could be useful for many different audiences, but they are thinking that a few different types of people would be especially interested in it:
- International Churches
- Individuals interested in bible translation
- Christian professionals for their waiting rooms
- Hotels and Conference Centres
- Immigration and Refugee Centres
- International Bible Schools
- and of course Missions Agencies like Youth With A Mission
Depending on where your YWAM Centre is located, and where it goes on outreach, a resource like this could prove to be extremely valuable as it helps to cross over many language barriers that may exist in communicating the gospel. It could, with proper preparation and training, make it possible for people with limited language skills to witness in a much more powerful way.
You can read more about it, and find out how to get your hands on one of these books by contacting the company that is printing them:
Introduction price per copy US$ 30: – or € 24: –
Generous bulk discounts available
To order, please e-mail:
We are seeking distributors all over the world. Please apply or give suggestions
Contact: R B S
Relationship Building Service
A non-profit registered organization
(Formerly Russian Bible Society (Sweden)
Box 1801, SE- 701 18 Örebro, Sweden
Tel. 0583-770 670 Mobil 0704 04 06 03