With cases of the swine flu being discovered all over the world YWAM and Church Outreach locations are being reconsidered. Cases of Swine Flu are continuing to be found in all areas of the world.
Various church outreaches around the world have been cancelled or redirected to other areas that are not as affected by the disease. As more cases are discovered we will probably be seeing more changes to outreach and possibly see outreach teams staying closer to home.
So far I have not heard of any cases of YWAM Missionaries catching swine flu. With the spread of the disease, and the amount that YWAMers travel though we will keep an eye on it.
You can read about a few outreaches that have been changed because of the swine flu here.
YWAMers from around the world are meeting together in Jinja, Uganda this week for “Communication, Research and Information Technology” (CRIT – have to love those YWAM acronyms) consultations.
CRIT is one of the tools that has been developed to help to restore and build communication within the mission and also from the mission to the rest of the world. That is what I am currently looking at helping with working the YWAM International Chairman’s Team so I have a huge interest in what’s happening there. I also have a few friends there right now, and hope to get to a YWAM CRIT consultation some year, but probably not less than a month after moving to a new country …
The Youth With A Mission Knowledge Base already has over 450 different documents geared to help YWAMers to work better together and to not continually be reinventing the wheel. In two weeks time they are planning to hold a “sprint” meetings in Brussels to grow the knowledge base even more. To participate in the meetings you don’t even have to be there, you can participate from anywhere in the world.
YWAMKB.net has been described as an encyclopaedia for YWAM and a great resource for all things to do with starting a ministry in YWAM, running a conference, finding conference notes and more. I’ve been trying to encourage others to add their manuals and documents for YWAM Ministry to the site for years, and the sprint meetings can be a great time to look at doing that.
Some of the latest articles on the site are:
Learn how to start a YWAM Ship ministry
Quality Leadership in YWAM
A discussion on “What is a YWAM base?”
You can read more about the sprint meetings here, and check out the YWAM Knowledge Base here.
The guys over at photogenX have recently published a book called “Sex + Money: A Global Search for Human Worth”. The book is about the global slave trade and was put together by a team of YWAM students from eight different nations. They travelled through 20 different nations and collected the photographs and stories from the trip and made it into this book.
You can read more about the project and find out how to get a copy of “Sex + Money: A Global Search for Human Worth” here.
There is a great discussion going on about personal support raising in YWAM and what it means to live by faith in YWAM. Lynn Green started the discussion with an article that he wrote for the last International YWAMer. The article was reposted on the YWAM Facebook Page.
The original article talks about the call that YWAMers have to a Levital calling and to live off the tithes and gifts of the other tribes of Israel.
You can join in with the conversation over on the page here.