All posts by Bill Hutchison

YWAM Prayer Day – Every Month – Sign Up Now

If you are a YWAM Staff or Student and haven’t yet signed up to receive the Monthly YWAM Prayer Day Letter then you really need to do so.

The YWAM Monthly Prayer letter is a way for everyone in YWAM to join together every month and focus and pray about what God is saying to mission together. There is something of signifigant for everyone in YWAM to be doing this in unity.

The topics covered so far this year have been:

  • Getting back to our core business of making disciples
  • Overcoming the Giants in Africa
  • YWAM’s shop ministries and s/y Next Wave
  • Dealing with Passivity and Unbelief
  • Our Call to the Unreached

If you haven’t done so already then head on over and sign up to receive the Monthly YWAM Prayer Letter here.

Communication Skills Workshop at YWAM Harpenden

In July YWAM Harpenden is offering a two week workshop to help YWAM Staff to improve their communication skills. An experienced group of professionals will be teaching on the course and the workshop will include both instruction and practical application.

The workshop will cover written and verbal forms of communication. Written communication will focus on business and professional writing and the verbal communication will focus on public speaking.

Jean Hartley, M.A. Communication, will be the primary speaker during the workshop. He has 40-years of college teaching experience and is a YWAM Associate directing internet ministry for people with physical disabilities.

You can read more about the Communication Skills Workshop that is being offered by YWAM Harpenden here.

YWAM Ministers to the Pot Heads at Mardi Grass

Apparently down in Byron Bay, in New South Wales, Australia, there is a yearly celebration of everything about marijuana. They call this festival “Mardi Grass”, and no, that’s not a typo.

A team from the School of Music in Missions from YWAM – Reef to Outback based out of Townsville, Australia headed down to outreach to the people there with “a message of hope and some great tunes”.

You can check out a video about it here.

YWAM DTS Blog Carnival Launched

Over on one of my other sites I have just launched a YWAM DTS Blog Carnival. I’m hoping to gather a list of stories from people’s Discipleship Training Schools together.

It’s my first ever Blog Carnival that I’m running, so it’s a bit exciting to see what happens. Could be a total bust if no one submits any stories, or it could be a fantastic source of stories from people who have done a YWAM DTS with Youth With A Mission.

If you want to participate in the YWAM DTS Blog Carnival, or want to see what stories get submited, then check out the post, YWAM DTS Blog Carnival – Bill Hutchison.

Call2All Conference in Hong Kong – June 1 – 4 2009

Looks like there is a large conference of Christian leaders about to take place in the first week of June in Hong Kong. The meetings are to discuss how to get “the whole church” involved in the Call2All movement to reach everyone with the Gospel of Christ.

There was a fantastic letter sent out to Christians from ministry, business and other workplaces to participate in the conference. The Call2All movement wants to see every follower of Christ engaged in reaching the lost. The letter was interesting in how it tackled “traditional methods” of evangelism, and how there is the call for new methods to be developed using what God has already blessed us all with.

Youth With A Mission (YWAM) is one of many Christian organisations that are a part of the Call2All. You can read more about the meetings in Hong Kong, and the letter that was sent out, here.