All posts by Bill Hutchison

New Book About a YWAM Missionary in Russia

Andy Frecka went to Russia in 1999 with Youth With A Mission (YWAM). He spent nine years there where he got married, had four kids and tells the whole story in a very humorous way in his book “Winter Road: Journey of a Russian Mission”.

It’s apparently not a very long book, at only 280 pages, and is a very capturing read. It captures a lot of different adventures during his time in the city of Perm, near the Ural Mountains, including buying a car, boiling snow for food, working with a local group of prisoners, and more.

You can read more about the book here, and purchase it through Amazon here. There are four reviews over on Amazon, all five stars.

Call2All Conference in Hong Kong a Success

From all reports it sounds like the Call2All conference that was help in Hong Kong this month went really well. About 3000 people involved in ministry from over 100 different countries gathered together to work on strategy for the completion of “The Great Commission”.

There were a number or targets that the delegates from the conference came away wanting to target:

  • Reach 1.73 billion people with the gospel by 2020
  • The engagement of hundreds of unreached people groups
  • Establishment of over 100,000 new houses of prayer
  • Hundreds of oral bible teams to work around the world
  • 1.8 million new church plants

You can read more about the Call2All Conference, and read summaries of each days events, here.

Man Finally Charged with Murder of YWAMer in Calgary

On New Years Day Keni Su’a, a contractor in Calgary and former YWAMer, was killed at a restaurant here in Calgary. He was there for lunch and happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. There were two other people killed, both with ties to local gangs.

I was unfortunate in that I never had a chance to meet him but Kani Su’a was a friend of a lot of the YWAM staff here in Calgary. He immigrated to Canada from Samoa in the 1990s to work with Youth With A Mission and started a contracting firm here about 5-years ago. It was quite a blow to his friends and family both here in town, and back in Samoa.

You can read more about Keni Su’a and his murder here.

YWAM Runs Detox Camp in Ukhrul, India

YWAM ran a 15-day detox camp at VVD Phangrei with the motto “Time to heal”. There were people from all over India and around the world (USA, UK and Norway) to give input to the participants in the camp.

Youth With A Mission has run a few of these detox camp in the area. The area is notorious for the number of drug addicts in the district. The camp engaged many different doctors and nurses from the area to help with the camp. According to the camp director, Mayola Ngamchiyo, “Our camp is focusing not only on treating campers physically but also on providing them mental and spiritual solace through gospel news”.

You can read more about the YWAM detox camp here, and about one of the YWAM detox schools that are offered by the University of the Nations (U of N) here.

Former YWAMer Launches Christian and Missions News Service

The International Faith Telegraph: World Christian News and Missions News was launched earlier this year by a former YWAMer.

The new Christian On-line News Service collects news from all over the world that relates to Christian Missions and about “how God’s people are fulfilling the Great Commission worldwide”.

I’ve found it to be a great source of stories to inspire my own faith and prayer life. It’s good to hear some of the good news from around the world about what God’s doing, rather than the “doom and gloom” and we hear about on the regular news services.

You can read about how and why the site was created here, and then check out The International Faith Telegraph here.