All posts by Bill Hutchison

YWAM Turns 50 Story on

The Christian Broadcast Network put together a four minute story about Youth With A Mission’s 50 year anniversary. The story that they put together focuses on YWAM in England and features some interviews with Lynn Green, Landa Cope and some of it is filmed at Highfield Oval, the YWAM Centre in Harpenden, England.


The Documentary Filmmaking School being run out of YWAM Harpenden is one of the items featured in the video, as well as the upcoming outreach to the YWAM Outreach to the 2012 Summer Olympic Games.

YWAM AfriComs Report from Angola

A team from YWAM AfriCom travelled to Angola a few months ago to help Youth With A Mission Angola with some of their equipment to develop some communication tools for the YWAM teams in Angola. One of their main projects is to produce a video for the ministry there.

They have started producing some videos of their time in Angola, and it’s exciting to hear some of the stories that have come out of it already.

Below is the first video that they have released from their trip.

Communication Ministry in Angola from Miranda Heathcote on Vimeo.

They are looking at producing a few different additional videos out of their time in Angola including a 15-minute promotional video, a documentary style video, prayer material, updated web-site, photos of the ministry happening there and quality articles for publication. They are looking at wanting to raise awareness of the needs of YWAM Angola.

YWAM AfriComs has also recently picked up a new staff member to help in the area of video production, so we look forward to seeing even more quality work coming out of the team that is working there.

YWAM Calgary Team in Zambia

Although my job has me tied in with the YWAM International Chairman’s Team in Harpenden, UK I also connect with the local Youth With A Mission Centre here in Calgary. At the moment they have brought a team to Zambia from Calgary.

Since the team have been in Zambia they have:

  • Machetti`ed the clearing for the medical clinic. It was hard work clearing the land but very satisfying.
  • Been busy helping Vinjelu and Kathryn finish building their home.
  • Visited a the rural village to pray for the people and learn about Zambian culture.
  • Hosted two afternoons of the Cherish girls program where girls come for an afternoon of love, encouragement and fun times.
  • Visited a Vineyard house church with the vision to minister to community in creative ways and bringing the kingdom to West Lusaka.

The YWAM community the Calgary team is staying with has 25 people, which includes the staff and students. It’s been a wonderful cultural exchange and sharing of work duties, food and laughter. They are enjoying n^shima, which is like corn based thick potatoes which is eaten with their fingers.

The YWAM centre is a very entrepreneurial centre… there are the ladies who are being taught to sew, a fellow making jewellery and hiring people to build, teaching a few trades along the way… as Vinjelu explained, “Zambians are creative and make what they need as best they can, with the supplies that are here.’”.

There have been many God encounters as they have shared lives with the people there, and everyone is very excited to see what is next. The team has been struck by the perseverance and joy of the people. Life is simple, yet full, and the team is realising the “necessities” of life like internet, phones, and television really aren’t as important as they thought.

The medical clinic that the team is clearing land for is to serve a community in desperate need for additional help with HIV treatment, ante-natal care and nutrition. There are funds and people to continue the work, and there will always be need to keep it going.

There are many stories of how kids cannot go to school and how food is not available as there is no money. The team is working to find a way they can continue to support the vision of this centre to care for those in need and to bring the love of God people.

The team is asking for continued prayer.

  • For good health, safety, following God`s will in the many areas they can serve
  • That Vinj and Kathryn could move into their home soon
  • Health for Vinj and Kathryn’s family
  • Continued good connections with the YWAM staff and students
    Next week will be spent clearing more of the land for the medical clinic and finishing the house. They will also be connecting in the village and experiencing Zambian dancing in the community church times.

YWAM Working to Provide Clean Water

I remember first hearing about some of the work YWAM was doing to provide clean water when I was in Kenya in 2001 for the University of the Nations (U of N) Workshop. Howard Malmstadt demonstrated a new water filtration and purification device that he developed with Rolf Englehard. 30 of the units were given away, which was to be the start of a larger distribution of the water filtration and purification devices to provide clean water around the world.

Youth With A Mission has been active around the world over it’s 50-year history in bringing clean potable water to the nations it’s worked in.

Some of the things that Youth With A Mission is currently doing to help provide clean water are:

  • Repairing damaged wells and pumps in Haiti after the earth quake
  • Proving clean water along with education and health care to the Aluwawe People of the Zambezi Delta in Mozambique (here)
  • Building concrete rain water collection tanks in Vanuatu where they have already built nine water tanks in the Northern villages of Efate, where I did my YWAM DTS outreach(here).
  • Building and improving wells in southern Sudan (see video below)
  • Running a Community Water Technology Seminar through the University of the Nations (U of N) in at least two locations in the world (here),
  • Water for Life & Platypus Go-Teams out of YWAM Tasmania to help provide access to safe water through seminars, training and short term missions trips (here).
  • Water for Life ministry in Kona, Hawaii as part of the University of the Nations (U of N) which currently has projects to help people develop safe and sustainable water sources in  Kiribati, Indonesia, Brazil, Kosovo and Rwanda. (here)

YWAM work continues to help provide clean water for the estimated 2 billion people around the world who are lacking adequate water supplies and sanitation.

Dean Sherman in Denver Hospital with Cardiac Problems

While travelling through Denver on his way to teach in Cimmaron, Colorado, Dean Sherman fell ill with severe chest pains. He was taken from the airport directly to the hospital after having terrible chest and stomach pains.

At the hospital they discovered that his gallbladder is shot and that he has several stomach ulcers. The problems that they found need surgery to repair. The first surgery was a little more complicated than expected so they had to schedule a second surgery.

They were unable to do the second surgery because they found some cardiac problems. The heart pumps aren’t working together as they should. Dean Sherman is currently in a lot of pain, is feeling weak and is very tired.

After meeting with the Cardiac Consultant they found that he has severe aortic stenosis that will require open heart surgery with valve replacement sometime in the next few days. He still also requires the follow up gallstone surgery.

Dean’s wife, Michelle Sherman is now in Denver with Dean. He is currently having to change his next five-weeks teaching schedule and is expected to be in hospital for an extended period of time.

The best place to follow the news on Dean Sherman seems to be his Facebook Page here.