All posts by Bill Hutchison

Statement from YWAM Norway about the Oslo Bombing and Utoeya Shootings

With the recent horror visited upon the nation of Norway with the bombing near government buildings in Oslo and the many shooting deaths on Utoeya Island at a political youth camp Terje Konradsen, the Chairman of YWAM Northern Europe, issued this statement:

The Norwegian people of 4,8 mil woke up to a national tragedy this morning. After the bomb explosion in Oslo centre yesterday, it became evident that more than 80 young people also had been shot to death at a political youth camp, by a 32 year old Norwegian – probably the same person who made and released the bomb.

The government buildings, including the office of the prime minister, look like a battlefield. How could one extreme nationalist do this alone? There are many questions.

As believers we ask ourselves what to say to non-believing victims and their families. The horror at the island, where the youths were killed, was a hell-experience. 500 young people were running for their lives as the gun-man was executing them. Some escaped jumping into the sea, but even there they were shot at.

No YWAM’ers were killed or wounded yesterday, but as Norwegians we all feel the loss and the pain. Personally I have two children living in Oslo center, they were both safe. Our son is working close to the bomb center, but he was not at the office yesterday. We have lot to thank God for!

Please pray for YWAM Norway; that our staff, and the entire body of Christ, will be anointed to point at Jesus in the days of sorrow and grief.

Terje Konradsen

Chairman, YWAM Northern Europe

Our sincere prayers to out to the nation and people in Norway.

Vision 10810 – Building a Semi-Truck for Ministry

If you have ever thought that being an engineer wasn’t a useful skill for being in missions, then you are quite possibly missing out on fulfilling God’s plan for your life.

Don’t believe me? Check out this video:

The Engineer has a vision to design and build semi-trucks that can provide housing for a 12-person team, a full equipped stage to do evangelism and also provide a place for store and transport Bibles.

You can read a bit more about it here.

Exciting New YWAM Communication School

The School of Mission Communication being offered by the YWAM International Communication Network in Denver Colorado later this year really excites me with the possibilities. I’ve written before about the importance of telling our stories in YWAM and have talked about it a lot on the YWAM Podcast as well. This school looks like a great way for people called to be “Missions Communicators” to get started.

Lynn Green, one of YWAM’s elders and a veteran of 42 years in Youth With A Mission, has this invitation for people to get involved in this school:

The School of Mission Communication will be covering many different topics, including:

  • Writing
  • Photography
  • Design
  • Campaigns
  • Video
  • New Media
  • more…

The training will be presented from a mission context, rather than a journalistic, entertainment or business context. Unless you are in the field it’s hard to appreciate the difference, but this course should do well in helping missions communicators to present their stories in ways that will have the greatest impact with their audience.

After the three months of classroom training the students will have the opportunity to join of YWAM’s Regional Communication Teams for 3 – 6 months, or other communication initiatives around the world.

You can find out more about this great new school for mission communicators on the YWAM ICN web-site.

Help Prospective Mothers in Papua New Guinea

The Mommyhood Memos Bloggers for Birth KitsSometimes it’s amazing how much you can help, through something so little…

In rural Papua New Guinea one in seven women die in childbirth! Yep, that’s right, 1 in 7 women die in childbirth! That’s a shocking statistic to say the least. To give birth to a child a mother has a 15% chance of dying, can you imagine?

A friend of mine, Adriel Booker, in Australia works with YWAM Ships, a ministry that is currently working on delivering medical help into Papua New Guinea. She is a Mom, blogger and fellow YWAMer who has a strong passion for helping other mothers in need. To help expectant mothers in Papua New Guinea she has started a program called Bloggers for Birth Kits to help reduce maternal mortality in rural Papua New Guinea.

The way to help is so simple that anyone can do it…

For as little as a $2.00 donation you can purchase a Birth Kit. The Birth Kit is very simple, but according to the Birthing Kit Foundation can greatly help to reduce the incidence of infant and maternal mortality and morbidity. The kit includes:

  • 1 plastic sheet to provide a clean birthing surface
  • 1 bar of soap for clean hands during the birthing process and to clean the umbilical stump
  • 1 pair of plastic gloves for clean hands
  • 1 sterile scalpel blade to cut the umbilical cord
  • 3 cords / pieces of strong string to tie the umbilical chord
  • 5 gauze squares to clean the baby and mother

The kit is simple, yet effective. Adriel made up her own (which you can watch on the video at the bottom of this post), but I think the most effective way for us to help is to donate.

If you do want to help with this great project, and for only $2.00 who wouldn’t want to help, you can read more about it at Bloggers for Birth Kits.

This post was originally posted on my personal blog at Help Prospective Mothers in Papua New Guinea – Bill Hutchison

Outreach Opportunity to India for YWAM Discipleship Training School Teams

I got this e-mail from a pastor in India who is an ex YWAM Staff and Student who is interested in partnering with YWAM to bring in outreach teams to his location. I thought it sounded interesting, so I wanted to pass it along:

Greetings to you in the Name of OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST from New Life Trust and Ministries.

II was YWAMer in the year 2000 to 2005. I did my DTS and SOFM in Pune and was also on Staff for the Sofm in Bangalore, India. God has given me a vision to reach out unreach people groups and the Yadava poeple group.

We are distributing Clothes, Books and helping pay the Tuition Fee to the Poor S.C., S.T. and Economically Back ward Classes Children’s Studying Schools from 1st Class to 10th Class in the surrounding villages of Gudipala Mandal, Chittoor District, Andhra Pradesh. We are also working with other villages. We need our Evangelism, Gospel works  and encouragement as they are engaged with coolly work due to their poverty giving up there studies.

We can easily reach out the unreached people groups in the remote villages. I am focusing on 15 different villages. We understand GOD has chosen people and groups like YWAM to Extend Your Valuable Support DTS Outreach Team mission team, or any Evangelism team. We are kindly requesting you please send your DTS Out reach Team, mission team ,or any Evangelism team to our place

We are praying for you and your wonderful ministries.  We are expecting an early and favourable Reply From you sir.

Thank you so …………much for your help and prayer

Yours truly

PHONE NO-0091-8572-257947

CELL NO-0091-9652124787

Although I receive a few of these requests a week I’m always keen to help out others who have been in YWAM. I also find it easier for Discipleship Training School and Outreach team leaders to verify things about people and locations if they have already had contact with other YWAM centres around the world…