All posts by Bill Hutchison

The Invitation – Where YWAM Is Not!

Join YWAMers around the globe in praying and hearing from God.  He is inviting you!

This month you are invited to pray for areas where YWAM is not, areas where people groups have not yet heard the Gospel. You may want to pray about this specifically related to your location. What countries or cities or people groups has God put on your heart? Prayer suggestions have also been provided for a YWAM pioneering effort in The Horn of Africa where YWAMers are establishing a training and sending center.

Please consider one of YWAM’s foundational values as you pray: Hear God’s voice. “YWAM is committed to creating with God through listening to Him, praying His prayers and obeying His commands in matters, great and small. We are dependent upon hearing His voice as individuals, together in team contexts and in larger corporate gatherings as an integral part of our process for decision making.”

Suggestions for Prayer:

  • Where YWAM is not
    • Pray for your location’s pioneering efforts. Pray for your teams, for more workers, for courage, for provision, for the Holy Spirit to use your efforts for breakthroughs spiritually, for any way the Lord is leading you to pray.
    • Listen for God’s leading regarding new areas, people groups, or ministries that God may be calling you to.
    • Pray for fresh, intentional strategies of multiplication in YWAM related to reaching the unreached.
  • YWAM pioneering in the Horn of Africa
    Africa-Woman-ChildIn 2014 the Lord spoke to a small team of YWAMers to establish a central training and sending location to reach the unreached in and around the Horn of Africa. A team of YWAMers is now working in the Horn with a vision to reach the local community and to raise up believers who will go to the other nations. The nations of focus are: Somalia, Yemen, Djibouti and Eritrea. The YWAM team is currently working with Somali, Yemeni and Afar people who are all less than 2% Christian.

    • Pray for the Lord of the Harvest to send forth workers and to multiply teams in His timing.
    • Pray for people of peace!
    • Please lift up one Somali woman who has recently gone from seeker to believer.
    • Pray for new Yemeni brother who is considering doing a DTS. Pray for wisdom, direction, provision, and favor!
    • Pray for the unity and boldness for local believers and for them to catch and take ownership of their call and destiny.  Pray for the workers to love, empower, and champion them.
    • Pray for sensitivity to the Holy Spirit and the obedience and boldness to share and sow generously.
    • “Pray that through intercession, together, we would tear down strongholds of the enemy in this land. Declare that the spirit of peace would come, wiping out the spirit of violence and that the spirit of love and adoption would come wiping out the orphan spirit.”
    • Pray for encounters within the local terrorist and radical groups. Pray that from there would come “Paul’s,” great apostles for the Kingdom of God.
    • Pray for language learning for the team.
  • Yemen
    • 99.92% Muslim, .08% Christian
    • One of the world’s least evangelized countries
    • 14 languages, only one of which has Scripture
  • Eritrea
    • 50.26% Muslim, 47.31% Christian, 1.87%  non-religious
    •  Literacy rate 56.7%
    •  Four recognized religions:  Sunni Islam, Eritrean Orthodox, Roman Catholic, Lutheran – all other religious groups have been persecuted with increasing intensity since 2002
    • Several decades of conflict with Ethiopia
  • Djibouti
    • 97.03% Muslim, 1.75 % Christian
    • 10 languages; less than half with Scriptures
    • Unemployment rates of 50 – 80%
    • Interest in conversion brings risk of intense persecution
  • Somalia
    • 99.67% Muslim, .33% Christian
    • Murder of Christians and converts is increasingly common
    • Chaos has led to smugglers, terrorists, pirates, etc.

Take Action:
“The greatest time of gospel proclamation lies before us requiring a new measure of commitment, zeal and passion, embracing fresh innovations and technologies to reach them all.” (From Call2All Website)

  • Mobilize and Go:
    • If you are called or being called to Somalia, Yemen, Eritrea, or Djibouti, pray and consider joining the team in the Horn of Africa. Visitors are welcome. Email the team at:
  • Learn more about Where YWAM is not.
  • Get practical help and coaching in taking the next steps:
    • Take advantage of YWAM coaches and field workers who will help you plan and begin work in unreached areas. Go to
  • Tell YWAMers what you sensed in prayer:
    Go to, find the post for December 10, and add a comment about how you prayed.  Go to; search for #praywithywam and tweet about your prayer time/post a picture.

Follow-Up From Last Month:

YWAM locations prayed for their own communities and specifically for immigrants in their area. YWAMers on Facebook asked for prayers for all of the refugee centers in Athens and that YWAM Sweden would be able to increase its ministry to immigrants and refugees. One YWAMer sensed that God is saying: YWAM is the epicenter for change that will create ripples of hope wherever our locations are.

Upcoming topics for The Invitation:
January 14, 2016 – Global Topic:  A Picture of a Breakthrough in the Muslim World

February 11, 2016 – Praying for Local Concerns (Location and Community).

March 10, 2016 – Praying for Areas, and Where YWAM Is Not

April 14, 2016 – Global Topic

The second Thursday is just a suggestion. Feel free to pray close to that date at a time that works well for your location’s schedule.

Don’t Miss The Invitation:

  • Sign up for prayer updates. Go to, find the “Stay Connected” box on the home page, put in your email address and click “Sign Up.”
  • Download prayer updates in a specific language. Go to  (Currently available in Spanish, Portuguese, French, Indonesian, or request other languages.)
  • Join the conversation about how God is leading in these prayer times. Comment on the Facebook post on the second Thursday at or on Twitter @ywam, hash tag #praywithywam.
  • If you sense God giving you a word or a direction for YWAM’s prayer, please contact us:

The Invitation

Save The Date:

Next year’s YWAM family gathering in Kansas City will be completely different! If you feel you are part of the YWAM family, though you might be working in business or education or public service—or any of the spheres of influence—you are welcome.

Please plan to come: September 4-11, 2016 in Kansas City, Missouri; USA.

Pray for Immigrants

The Invitation November 12, 2015: Join YWAMers around the globe in praying and hearing from God.  He is inviting you . . .

“The alien who resides with you shall be to you as the citizen among you;
you shall love the alien as yourself….”
Leviticus 19:34 NRSV

Refugees-WalkWe invite you to pray this month for your YWAM location and your community.  Take time to hear from God regarding how He would want you to pray for local concerns.

This month, as you pray for your own local community and YWAM ministry, we suggest that you include some prayer for immigrants around you. Due to the ongoing and increasingly urgent refugee situation in Europe and other areas of the world, your local area might have a new influx of people from other countries.

“The flow of migrants worldwide is changing the demographics for missions…. We are finding the unreached more and more in our own backyard.”
– Tim Svoboda, YWAM San Francisco

The alien who resides with you shall be to you as the citizen among you; you shall love the alien as yourself….
– Leviticus 19:34 NRSV


Suggestions for Prayer


  • Spend time with the Lord listening to what He has to say to you about your location.
  • Make a list of things for your location to celebrate!  Praise God for each.
  • Pray for DTS students at your location, that they would be able to focus on learning and ministry.  Pray also for strength and blessings for their family members.

Immigrants in Your Area

  • Watch this video to see how YWAM San Francisco is meeting needs in their city:

  • Pray for the Lord to give wisdom to your location regarding opportunities to reach local immigrants, refugees, or international students. Consider prayer walking or mapping your city (see below) to assist you in your prayer.
  • Pray for churches in your area to befriend the immigrants or ethnic groups around them.
  • Pray for mobilization of workers from your location to serve immigrants, refugees, or international students locally or maybe even in an area where YWAM does not have a presence.

Take Action

  • Prayer walk: Go to significant spots in your city and pray while you are walking in groups of 2 or more.  Think of places where there is tension, where there are immigrants, where there may be several international students, etc.  Report back to your location how God spoke to you.
  • Map your City: Hang up a map at your location.  Identify people groups in your city and the languages they speak.  Circle areas on the map where these people live and work.  Listen as God speaks to you about these people groups and what you can do.
  • Dig deeper: Read Tim Svoboda’s emails entitled “The Strategic Nature of Cities” and his series of articles entitled “The Urban Challenge”.  Conduct relevant research regarding your city.  Make plans for your city based on what you are hearing from God. See
  • Reach out to refugees in Europe and the Middle East.
  • Tell YWAMers what you sensed in prayer:
    Go to, find the post for November 12, and add a comment about how you prayed.  Go to; search for #praywithywam and tweet about your prayer time/post a picture.
  • Tell us about your location:
    During a future month, we would like to  include in The Invitation a description of the variety of cultural ways that YWAMers pray.  Please help us by sending an email to prayer@ywam.orgwith one of more of the following:

    • Cultural traditions of your location that you incorporate into prayer. Please describe what that looks like.
    • Prayer methods from other cultures that you have tried in prayer.  How did that go? Please describe that for us.
    • Unique aspects of your prayer time.
    • Pictures/videos/other multi-media components that depict the uniqueness of the prayer times at your location. Send us something in your local language.  A video, flyer, prayer list, etc.

Follow-Up From Last Month

  • On October 8, YWAM launched The Invitation with the global prayer topic of Ending Bible Poverty Now.  Thanks for praying!  We had a great response from many of you . . .
  • YWAM Bangkok requested prayer via email for funds to distribute another 20,000 Bibles.
  • YWAM Borgen posted “Pray AND work, it gives good results.”  on Facebook.  (They prayed AND gave out over 9,000 Bible in the area around their base.)


  • YWAM Seychelles requested prayer via email for completion of a seven year project to make an audio copy of the Four Gospels in Creole.
  • YWAM Guatemala City reported on Facebook that staff members that speak indigenous languages were challenged during the prayer time to help more in this area.
  • YWAM Wales tweeted and posted a picture showing their commitment to end Bible poverty.


  • University of Nations Bali prayed specifically to end Bible poverty amongst the nine people groups they have adopted and also signed a commitment statement on canvas that hangs on the wall as a daily reminder.
  • YWAM African Bible Safari requested prayer for resources and equipment needed to train the trainers for Bible translation for the eight hundred Bibleless languages in Africa.
  • YWAM Brisbane prayed that those who are translating the Bible will find the specific and culturally relevant words.

Upcoming topics for The Invitation

December 10, 2015 – Praying for Areas, and Where YWAM Is Not

January 14, 2016 – Global Topic:  A Picture of a Breakthrough in the Muslim World

February 11, 2016 – Praying for Local Concerns (Location and Community).

March 10, 2016 – Praying for Areas, and Where YWAM Is Not

The second Thursday is just a suggestion. Feel free to pray close to that date at a time that works well for your location’s schedule.

Don’t Miss The Invitation

  • Sign up for prayer updates. Go to, find the “Stay Connected” box on the home page, put in your email address and click “Sign Up.”
  • Download prayer updates in a specific language. Go to  (Currently available in Spanish, Portuguese, French, Indonesian, or request other languages.)
  • Join the conversation about how God is leading in these prayer times. Comment on the Facebook post on the second Thursday at or on Twitter @ywam, hash tag #praywithywam.
  • If you sense God giving you a word or a direction for YWAM’s prayer, please contact us:

The Invitation

Ending Bible Poverty Now Prayer Info

The Invitation

October 8, 2015 – YWAM Launches The Invitation . . . join YWAMers around the globe in praying and hearing from God. He is inviting you . . .

October 8, 2015 – Global Prayer Topic: Ending Bible Poverty Now!

Jesus answered, “It is written: ‘Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.’” (Matthew 4:4 NIV)

Video to watch:

The opportunity for oral translations:

Points for prayer:

  • Translation – Pray that God would raise up workers for the remaining languages as a result of YWAM praying and hearing God’s voice. Pray for current translation efforts to complete successfully. According to there are 1,800 languages with no portion of scripture translated (almost half of these in Africa). It is estimated that over 2,000 languages have translation efforts underway. Leaders in this field have a goal of having oral translations for every language by 2020 and written translations by 2033.
  • Production – Pray that God would provide the resources for production into media that is best for each people group, whether that be print, audio, video, online, etc.
  • Distribution – Pray for those God has called to be the people on the ground and that everyone would have a Bible in their home, in their native language.
  • Education – Pray for people, as they read the Word of God in their native language, to become educated about God’s truth.
  • Engagement – Pray for those that are receiving and reading the Bible for the first time to become engaged with the Word of God and to take action accordingly. Pray that lives and communities would be changed for the good as a result.

Tell YWAMers what you sensed in prayer:

Go to, find the post for October 8, and add a comment about how you prayed.

Ideas for your location:

  • Conduct a training session regarding ending Bible poverty and encourage participants to sign the covenant at to pray to end Bible poverty. Here is a video showing how others are doing this
    within YWAM:
  • Spend regular time in prayer regarding how God is desiring to engage your location in ending Bible poverty. Take action accordingly.
  • Do something locally today to help someone engage in the Word of God.
  • Watch this video (only 3:26 minutes) to understand how Bible translation works and how someone like you can get involved without even knowing another language!
  • Watch this video and take the action of providing information about ending Bible poverty to at least three local people, then three people outside of your local reach, then three people in other countries . . . asking them all to do the same . . .

For More Information:

image01From Darlene Cunningham . . .

Most of you have probably read the letter I circulated a few months ago, inviting you all to engage with this vision to End Bible Poverty Now. But in case that letter didn’t make it to some of you, I’ll recap the vision here:

Since 1960, Loren has carried a burden to get the Bible to every person on earth who does not have access. Many have heard him tell the story of the “woman in the faded red dress” in Mexico who asked him for a Bible, because she had no access to the Word. God used that one woman to pierce his heart (he still chokes up today when He recalls her hunger and desire for the Bible) – and from the retelling of that one initial encounter, God has launched many Bible initiatives throughout YWAM to get the Word of God to whole communities and nations.

The vision of End Bible Poverty Now (EBPN), is to make the Bible accessible to every home (as well as to nomads and homeless) in their mother tongue by 2033. Of course, individuals have the God-given right to refuse the Bible, but it will be available to them. Professional linguists like Wycliffe and others are hard at work translating Scripture for 2,195 language groups that do not have God’s Word. But there are an additional 1,869 languages that have no portion of the Bible – and no one is working on those languages!

There is much that we ordinary people can do to speed the process, doing oral translations, which can then be given to the professionals to edit. (For a simple, three-minute explanation of how to do an oral translation of the Bible, go to The video moves really fast, but watch it a few times, and you will get the simplicity of the plan – and the speed is a major point of the video. This type of oral translation can be done QUICKLY and SIMPLY by ordinary people!)

In recent months, Loren has met with hundreds of influential leaders in evangelical, charismatic and Pentecostal denominations about EBPN. And you’ve probably heard that in November of 2014, Loren and I plus a few other YWAM leaders met with the leaders of the three main streams of Christendom – Pope Francis of the Catholic Church, Pope Tawadros II of the Coptic Orthodox Church (the oldest orthodox tradition) and the Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby of the Anglican Church, to engage them in this cause. Everyone he has met with has given overwhelming blessing and support for EBPN.

This vision to End Bible Poverty Now must include a broad foundation of prayer. As you meet together on this first YWAM Global Prayer day of 2015, please pray and ask God to give you His heart for getting His Word to His world. Then as individuals, families, teams and ministries, God may give some specific steps for how you can be involved.

The job is gigantic and it will take all parts of the body of Christ to accomplish. But YWAM has people on the ground all over the world, putting us in position to make an enormous contribution. And there has never been unity and partnership between mission organizations and the Church worldwide like there is today!

Here’s the whole point: God has said that His Word will not return to Him void (Isaiah 55:11). History has clearly shown that, wherever the Bible goes, the Spirit of God brings transformation!

Loren’s personal goal is to get at least an oral translation of Scripture available to the 1,869 totally Bible-less languages by 2020. He is actively recruiting more prayer supporters and oral translators. And YWAM is partnering with professional translation ministries like Wycliffe and many others to get Bible translations into digital, Internet, audio and written formats as quickly as possible.


During this, Loren’s 80th birthday year, he is asking for his birthday gift that EVERYONE go to and make a commitment by SIGNING the EBPN Covenant and getting others to sign.  There are also ideas and resources shared on that site (more to be added) to help End Bible Poverty Now.

Will you, our faithful co-workers pray and make this covenant with us? You have shared in the vision of the waves of young people, taking the Gospel to all the continents. Now the Lord is asking all of us to commit to this vision to End Bible Poverty worldwide.

Love and blessings,


P.S. Another thing Loren has added to his birthday wish list is this: he would like to see his book Is That Really You, God? translated into a total of at least 200 languages by June of 2016 (his next birthday is June 30th). Currently it has been translated into 130 languages. As you know, it is a simple book that helps people discover how to hear God’s voice. So if you know of a language it’s NOT translated into and can help get it translated, that too will be an answer to Loren’s prayers!


image02Base director & pioneer, Kel Steiner at @YwamMyrtleBeach is committed to ending Bible poverty now!



Upcoming topics for The Invitation:

October 8, 2015 (second Thursday of the month)
First Global Topic: Ending Bible Poverty Now

Followed by . . .

November 12, 2015 – Praying for Local Concerns (Location and Community)

December 10, 2015 – Praying for Areas, and Where YWAM Is Not

And then repeat . . .

January 14, 2016 – Global Topic: A Picture of a Breakthrough in the Muslim World

February 11, 2016 – Praying for Local Concerns (Location and Community)

March 10, 2016 – Praying for Areas, and Where YWAM Is Not

The second Thursday is just a suggestion. Feel free to pray close to that date at a time that works well for your location’s schedule.

Don’t miss The Invitation:

  • Sign up for prayer updates. Go to, find the “Stay Connected” box on the home page, put in your email address and click “Sign Up.”
  • Download prayer updates in a specific language. Go to (Currently available in Spanish, Portuguese, French, Indonesian, or request other languages.)
  • Join the conversation about how God is leading in these prayer times. Comment on the Facebook post on the second Thursday at or on Twitter @ywam, hash tag #praywithywam.
  • If you sense God giving you a word or a direction for YWAM’s prayer, please contact us:

2013 YWAM LTS (Leadership Training School) in Samoa

I recently received this update about an upcoming training opportunity for current and future leaders in YWAM…

YWAM Samoa is hosting the LEADERSHIP TRAINING SCHOOL (LTS) next year in 2013.

DATES: FEBRUARY 25 – MAY 17, 2013


YWAM LTS (Leadeship Training School) in SamoaInfo: All existing and Potential Leaders are all welcome to attend. This school will help give you the Tools you need for your leadership and also for the ministry you are involved in or a ministry the Lord is giving you to undertake, and also help you to lead Jesus style.

Loren and Darlene Cunningham, David Hamilton, and Dawn Gauslin will also be running the DNA INFUSION for two weeks during the LTS in Samoa. DNA UNFUSION is part of the school, but it is also open for anyone who has already done an LTS but still want to be a part of the DNA INFUSION sessions.

You are all welcome.

You can find out more on the YWAM Samoa Web-site.

YWAM Americas Conference 2013

I received this e-mail invitation this week that is actually meant for all YWAMers in the Americas.

Conference Theme: "His Kingdom – Our Dream"

Location: Convention Center in Panama City

Dates: Arrival on 28th of April to departure on 4th of May, 2013

Please mark your calendars for the Americas Conference!   This is open to all YWAMers in North, Central and South America!  (Including all who have done a DTS even if they are not officially on staff at the moment with YWAM.)  The desire for this time is that we come into the presence of God as He unites our hearts and multiplies our unity and synergy.

More details will be coming in the future!

To find out more about YWAM in Panama, where the Americas Conference will be held, check out their web-site here.