Pray for 30 Days of Prayer for Muslims

The Invitation, March 13, 2025

A group of YWAM leaders were praying in 1992 at a meeting in the Middle East. They felt convicted to do more to demonstrate God’s love for Muslim people. In an effort to mobilise Christians to learn about and engage with Muslims, the 30 Days guide was launched. It has been produced every year since, being translated into dozens of languages and distributed in more than 40 nations. 30 Days takes a loving and respectful attitude toward Muslims, and every year we receive letters from Muslims, expressing their gratitude for being prayed for and also for being treated with respect.

Topic suggested by a participant in The Invitation survey and written by Pam Wilson in the USA. Photo by Meena Kadri at Flickr/Creative Commons.
Watch the Letter on YouTube

Would you pray with us for 30 Days 2025, which began on February 28? The theme is “The Word of God is not bound” and each day tells the story of a Muslim who was impacted in some way by Scripture . Please take a moment to pray right now and please also join us on March 13, our prayer day for the YWAM prayer initiative called The Invitation.

Listen to the Letter
  1. Pray for God’s call to take action, that many would get the call to GO as they pray through the guide this year.
  2. Pray for spiritual impact, that churches and workers in every place mentioned would feel a lightening of the spiritual atmosphere and see people come to faith.
  3. Pray for protection over every believer and situation mentioned.
  4. Pray for expansion. For the vision to see the guide in new languages next year, like Arabic and Turkish

Take Action

If you would like to pray for Muslims in 2025, get a PDF or printed booklet at You’ll find a kids’ edition and guides in several languages. For a global directory of guides in more than 25 languages, go to

Join The Invitation.

Sign up for prayer emails and find translations in many languages at Please contact us at to let us know how you prayed, to recommend a prayer topic, or to request an advance copy of the prayer guide.

Pray For A Recommitment to YWAM’s Foundational Practice

The Invitation, February 13, 2025

Prayer has always been the foundation of who we are as YWAM. Prayer is one of our core values. Our early pioneering initiatives started with prayer over a world map, and God began to speak and catch us up into His heart for the nations. At the big YWAM family gathering in Manila last September, one of the main messages was a call to recommit ourselves to prayer. “Prayer is the essence of who YWAM is,” said YWAM’s co-founder Darlene Cunningham. Let’s make a commitment to deepen our prayer in 2025, to contend for YWAM’s global family to experience God in an unprecedented way, and to hear His voice and partner with Him for breakthrough in the nations.

Topic suggested and written by Josh Cole in New Zealand. Photo of a prayer meeting at YWAM Furnace in Tauranga, New Zealand.

Please pray with us not only right now but throughout 2025 and beyond.

Listen to the Letter
  1. Respond to the prayer challenge from Joy Dawson, a Bible teacher who had a profound influence on YWAM. Before Joy passed into glory in 2022, she gave this message to YWAM about prayer: “Don’t in any way minimize the crucial importance of interceding for the nations! There is a dearth of intercession for the nations. This is a prophetic word coming through me that there needs to be a resurgence of what was strong but has now become weak. Particularly in the lives of spiritual leaders. There is no substitute whatsoever for fervent, faith-filled, focused prayer for the nations as I have taught it over the years. Some leaders think they are on the cutting edge but don’t make intercession for the nations at all. What they think is cutting edge is not cutting it with God.” Joy went on to say there was a need for two responses: firstly to repent for where there has been a lack of prayer, and secondly if we have not had a vision for the power of prayer, to ask the Lord for revelation. Please respond as you feel led.
  2. Pray for a recommitment to prayer in YWAM at this time. Since the death of YWAM’s founder Loren Cunningham in 2023, many in YWAM are aware of the critical time we are in as a mission. We’ve had some terrible tragedies in YWAM where we have lost some dear family, friends and leaders. Our hearts are tender. With the increased challenges and pressure, there is real warfare. The time to expand the covering of prayer over our mission is now. Pray for every YWAM participant to grow in their prayer life, and pray for every YWAM prayer ministry.
  3. Pray for the prayer initiative called The Invitation, which celebrates its tenth anniversary this year. This monthly call to prayer started as a response to what YWAM leaders sensed at a meeting in Singapore in 2014. They sensed that God was inviting everyone in YWAM into his presence in a fresh way (The Singapore Covenant). The Invitation started in 2015 and is translated into six languages. The prayer topics come from suggestions from anyone in the YWAM family. Pray for God to lead the topics and for people inside and outside of YWAM to respond to the invitation to pray.

Take action

Take this opportunity right now to ask the Lord to give you fresh faith in prayer. For more information about prayer initiatives in YWAM go to or

Join The Invitation.

Sign up for prayer emails and find translations in many languages at Please contact us at to let us know how you prayed, to recommend a prayer topic, or to request an advance copy of the prayer guide.

Pray for Venezuela

The Invitation, January 9, 2025

The election in Venezuela on July 28 of last year has left many Venezuelans feeling sad, angry, and afraid for their future. In the midst of the uncertainty YWAM continues to train young people in missions, provide help to hurting people, and to care for vulnerable children.

Topic suggested and written by Daniel Leones in Mexico. Photo of a protester in Maracaibo, Venezuela by Jim Romero on Unsplash. The sign says “I am liberator.”

Please take a moment right now to pray for Venezuela and YWAM’s work there, and please also pray with us on January 9, the prayer day for YWAM’s prayer initiative called The Invitation.

Listen to the Letter
  1. Pray for Venezuela. The government instability affects every area of society so that for many people fleeing from the country becomes a better option than staying.
  2. Pray for Venezuela’s churches: for awakening, for hope in Christ. Also, pray for more young people who are willing to get involved in missions, and not only to migrate for economic reasons.
  3. Pray for God to raise up peacemakers. James 3:18 says that peacemakers who sow in peace reap a harvest of righteousness.
  4. Pray for YWAM ministries. Pray for more full-time staff. Some specific requests are funds to repair the buildings of Casa Hogar and YWAM Caracas. YWAM Casa Hogar needs food and medicine for their children’s ministry. YWAM Publishing asks for prayer for their literature distribution nationwide.

Take Action

If you sense God calling you to get involved in Venezuela, there are many opportunities to volunteer, join staff or to send outreach teams. Two of YWAM’s locations are: Puerto la Cruz: Instagram: @ywamplc. JuCUM Bolívar: Instagram: @ywambolivar.

Join The Invitation.

Sign up for prayer emails and find translations in many languages at Please contact us at to let us know how you prayed, to recommend a prayer topic, or to request an advance copy of the prayer guide.

Our survey:

Also, please help us improve The Invitation. Please take three minutes to complete our survey by clicking this link: Thank you!

Pray for the Middle East

The Invitation, December 12, 2024

As we are all aware, there is a lot to pray for in the Middle East. There is a lot of pain, and there are many different parties involved. We are called to pray for all the people affected by the situation in the Middle East. (“And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people” Ephesians 6:18.)

Topic suggested by E. Koster, written by Nathan van de G. in Norway. Photo of a wall in Israel that says “Path to Peace” in three languages, by Cole Keister on Unsplash.

Please take a moment right now to pray for the Middle East and also please pray with us on December 12, our prayer day for the YWAM prayer initiative called The Invitation.

Listen to the Letter
  1. Pray for all those affected by the conflicts in the Middle East. Pray that everyone affected gets the help they need, that they find comfort in Jesus and that He reveals himself to them, whether they are in Israel, Gaza, Palestine, Lebanon or any other Middle Eastern country.
  2. Pray for all those who lost someone during the conflicts. Pray that they are able to find comfort.
  3. Pray for all those who had to leave their homes behind. Pray for those who had to flee and for those whose houses are unliveable. Pray that they find a new roof over their heads and that they receive the needed provision.
  4. Pray for all those in power, that they may be guided by God’s merciful hand. Pray for the leaders of all the different countries and organizations involved. Pray that they will act mercifully and pray that they will understand the true meaning of grace. Pray that they will be guided by God’s hand to make the right decisions.

Join The Invitation

Sign up for prayer emails and find translations in many languages at Please contact us at to let us know how you prayed, to recommend a prayer topic, or to request an advance copy of the prayer guide.

Our survey:

Also, please help us improve The Invitation. Please take three minutes to complete our survey by clicking this link: Thank you!

Pray for The Send’s Events

The Invitation, November 14, 2024

The mission events called The Send are expanding to several new countries over the next year. Already thousands of young people have come to stadium gatherings throughout the world, resulting in tens of thousands of mission commitments from 2019 until now: 58,975 commitments to go to the nations, 24,466 commitments to reach high schools, and 24,957 commitments to minister to vulnerable children, to name a few.

Topic suggested by The Send team and written by Madison Smucker in USA. Photo of participants at The Send taking off their shoes as a commitment to mission.

Please take a moment right now to pray for The Send as events are planned for New Zealand, Scotland, the Philippines, South Africa, and many other nations. Please also pray with us on November 14, 2024, the prayer day for YWAM’s prayer initiative called The Invitation.

Listen to the Letter
  1. Pray for unity among the churches and organizations The Send works with. We can’t do what we do without churches and people working year after year in the cities we are going to. We want to see them grow together and become more unified under the vision of seeing their communities being changed for and by the gospel.
  2. Pray for God to stir the hearts of people in these nations to be active in the missional call on their lives. We believe everyone is called to something, whether it is in their own neighborhood or across the world.
  3. Pray for financial provision. All our teams across the world need a lot of funding to do what they do. Pray they have the funds and other resources to host events well.
  4. Pray for the release of stadiums and for contracts with vendors. Because of the large number of people at these gatherings, we need sports stadiums to hold our events. This can be challenging at times, because few vendors are used to working with events of this kind. Pray for favour as we work through decisions and negotiate with organizations and companies.
  5. Pray for The Send’s upcoming events: New Zealand (November 23), Scotland (March 29), Finland (June 6). Other events planned for 2025: Philippines, Armenia, South Africa, and Norway.

Take Action

Visit and help promote an upcoming event.

Join The Invitation

Sign up for prayer emails and find translations in many languages at Please contact us at to let us know how you prayed, to recommend a prayer topic, or to request an advance copy of the prayer guide.