Category Archives: News

Munyurangabo to be Released in US Next Month

A film made by a YWAM Film Making and Photography student about two kids coming to terms with post-genocide Rwanda in 1994 will be released in US theatres next month. The film was widely acclaimed when shown at the Cannes Film Festival in 2007.

The film was shot in only 11 days in 2006 while the director, Isaac Chung, was on a YWAM missions trip to Uganda. The film cast at risk kids who were a part of a YWAM run soccer camp in Rwanda and the crew was the other YWAM students on the school.

You can read more about the upcoming film here.

YWAM Russia Meets for a Website Planning Conference

YWAM Russia has been forging ahead with developing their web-site and communications. Recently some YWAM staff from around the worlds largest nation gathered together to discuss web-site development, strategy and different challenges they have faced with their work so far on the Internet.

They are keen for your feedback on their work so far. You can leave them comments here.

Bill Hutchison has Moved to Canada!

Now if this YWAM news that I find interesting then I don’t know what is …

Bill Hutchison have recently moved from working with YWAM in Australia with Reef to Outback for the last 11-years to join the YWAM International Chairman’s Team and work with YWAM Calgary.

You can read the latest about their move and YWAM ministry here.

Are You Subscribed to the International YWAMer?

The International YWAMer is the official eZine of Youth With A Mission. In the last year it has been changed from a printed magazine to a web-based eZine. If you involved with Youth With A Mission in any way it is well worth while subscribing to the magazine.

You can subscribe for free to the International YWAMer here.

YWAM University of the Nations Workshop in September 2009

September 7 – 12, 2009 will see the next YWAM University of the Nations (UofN) workshop run in four different locations. The workshop will run in the Ukraine, Switzerland, Egypt and South Africa. The workshop is being targeted “For Such A Time As This” and is meant for every YWAMer to hear what God is saying to the mission for this season, to hang out with others and learn more about how to disciple nations.

The last time the University of the Nations Workshop was run in multiple locations using GENESIS was in 2001 when I lead the GENESIS team in Nairobi, Kenya. It was an amazing time of bringing the mission together in a way that had not been done before.

You can read more about the latest YWAM University of the Nations Workshop here.