Tag Archives: italy

YWAM Next Wave Refit Complete, Sicily Evangelism Outreach has Begun

The YWAM Ship the s/y Next Wave has completed its recent refit.

During the refit the ship was placed in dry dock to enable the cleaning and repainting the hull, anchor and chains. They also did major work on the engine room, inspections on the generators, recertification of all safety devices and some very heavy duty cleaning jobs.

Not everything was completed and they are having to plan for a further more extensive refit period in the next year to finish items that were postponed and upgrades that had to be cancelled during this last refit.

Now that the refit of the vessel is complete the Marine Reach team has started on their evangelism tour of Sicily, Italy. They are currently hosting two DTS teams, one from Kings Lodge in the UK and the other from Quebec in Canada.

You can find out more about Marine Reach and their ministry on their web-site, www.marinereachministries.com.

Marine Reach Vessel s/y Next Wave is Going into Dry Dock

In preparation for the Next Wave Sicily Tour the Marine Reach Vessel s/y Next Wave will be going into dry dock from the 18th of March to the 25th of May.

The ship will be dry docked in Messina, Sicily, Italy for the duration and the crew and volunteers will live ashore while they undertake the work on the vessel, build relationships with the people of Messina and prepare for the tour of Sicily.

They are looking for people to come and assist with the retrofit and work on the vessel, as well as the preparation for the evangelistic outreach into Sicily. If you are interested in finding out more you can contact them through their web-site.

Marine Reach Ship s/y Next Wave will Tour Sicily, Italy in May to July 2010

On the request of several local churches in Sicily, Italy the s/y Next Wave, a Marine Reach YWAM Training Vessel, will be carrying out an evangelistic tour of all nine states in Sicily. The tour will be happening from the 27th of May to around the 15th of July 2010.

The tour will also be part of helping to re-establish YWAM Italy. Some of the events will be televised in Italy and it is hoped that it will encourage young people in Italy to find out more about YWAM and to look at participating in a YWAM DTS (Discipleship Training School).

As part of the evangelistic tour YWAM Marine Reach is looking for individuals as well as YWAM  DTS outreach teams to participate in this outreach opportunity.

You can find out more about the outreach opportunity and the YWAM Next Wave Sicily Tour here.